Parents and Friends

P&F Committee:
All are welcome to join our school P&F Committee! If you would like to be involved but are unable to attend the monthly meetings due to work or other commitments, please feel free to e mail me and I will add you to the group.
We are keen to have new members join to help support the volunteer work, behind the scenes organisation and preparation, and to help share the load of special fundraising events such as the school fair, student activities and services including special lunch days each term and toast each morning, along with social events for our community to come together. Without volunteers we are unable to offer these opportunities for our school, students and community. Consider joining next year, if you are able to, to support our wonderful P&F committee. A big THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed to the wonderful year we have had by volunteering, giving your own time and supporting!
Enjoy a beautiful Christmas with your families and a relaxing break!
Next P&F Meeting:
Term 1 2025-date TBA….stay tuned.
All welcome!
Toast is available each morning for all students who would like some extra fuel before they begin the school day!
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who prepare and serve the toast each morning and to those who have collected the bread each week as well as topped up supplies-lots of behind the scenes effort!
If you would like to join the roster please let me know or you can pass your name onto Krystal in the office.
At St Mary’s this year we are collecting any recyclable cans, bottles and containers marked with the 10cent refund. These will be transported to Chewton Service Station. All money raised will come back to our school to benefit our students whilst strengthening our sustainability practises to contribute to a healthier world. There is a blue wheelie bin located down stairs for these to be dropped off.
Thank you to everyone who has donated their recycling-we have two bin loads ready to cash in and a third on the way!
Student Special Lunch Day:
Term 4:
Fish & Chips
A big thank you to The Blue Sea Fish Shop Castlemaine for supporting our special lunch day this term! Thank you to Chris, Robyn and Blake for delivering the lunches to school!
Our next Student special lunch day will be Tuesday 17th December - our final day of school. Students will have the opportunity to have a sausage in bread or a veggie burger. This is provided for all students. Looking forward to sharing in a special lunch together on our last day of the 2024 school year! Of course your child is welcome to bring along their own packed lunch on this day if they would prefer.
Thank you to our lovely volunteers who are going to be helping out on this day!
St Mary’s P&F President