Message from Leadership

Dear Families,
The opportunity of being appointed as Principal at St Mary’s fills me with excitement and hope, as we move forward together as a school community. Looking ahead, my vision is to work collaboratively with you all to nurture a culture of excellence in teaching and learning, and rebuild trust and hope. We will continue to grow together in faith and learning.
2025 Leadership Team
Principal – Anushka Vaz
Religious Education Leader and Learning Diversity Leader – Kristine Fellows
Wellbeing Leader – Mark O’Sullivan
Learning and Teaching Leader – Blythe Neve
2025 Staffing - Farewell and Welcome to St Mary's
As always at the end of a school year, we have an opportunity to welcome new members to our team and say farewell to some of our current staff.
In 2025, we welcome the following teaching staff:
Mrs Kristine Fellows (Kris)
Mr Matthew Giles (Matt)
Ms Tobie Coggle
Ms Alexandra Scott-Douglas (Alex)
We say farewell to Mrs Cara Hine, Miss Bridget Chalkley, Miss Ruby Byrne and Mrs Lara Zylan. We thank these staff members for their contribution to St Mary’s and wish them all the very best in their future endeavours.
Year 6 Graduation
On 12th of December we had a Graduation Mass and dinner for our Year 6 students in their final school celebration.
While leaving primary school may cause mixed emotions in some students, we are confident that over the past years at St Mary’s, our students have developed independence, resilience, and an enthusiasm for learning which will hold them in good stead to transition into secondary school.
Congratulations and all the very best to our 2024 Year 6 students.
Last Day of Term
Tuesday the 17th of December will be last day for students.
We will have specialist classes in the morning and then time in classrooms during the afternoon. Following this we will have a BBQ lunch and extended play time.
Students dismissal is at 3:15pm.
As we close the school year with this final newsletter, I want to thank each of you for your support, encouragement, and partnership throughout 2024. I wish all our families a joyous and peaceful Christmas, and I look forward to seeing you all refreshed and ready for an exciting 2025.
Kind Regards,
Anushka Vaz
Acting Principal