Principal's Report

Dear Parents/Carers
Return To Work
Miss Carly Avery will return from leave on 21st December 2024. Carly will resume her position as Principal of St Joseph’s Primary School. We wish Carly well in her return. Miss Avery and Mrs Merlo will participate in a hand-over in the next week and will share work requirements over the school holidays.
After a wonderful Christmas Concert and Picnic on Monday, I was left with a sense of joy – the children had prepared well and their presentation was uplifting and fun. Thank you to Ms Sartori and all the teachers who assisted in that preparation. I was delighted to see so many families in the Church, smiling and singing along. It is always quite remarkable to witness children remembering complex actions to match the music! I was struck by how welcoming this community is to new members whether it be our incoming Foundation students or their parents. It is a gift we can celebrate all year round, but particularly during the Christmas season.
The Parent Information session went well last night with approximately 20 parents and four staff attending. It was a positive night as we considered the achievements of the school over the last 12 months from the refurbishments of buildings, resilience displayed by students and teachers and strong results in assessment processes. Opportunities to share and ask questions were welcomed with emphasis on strategies to increase student numbers and promote the success of the school.
Like many of you in your work and family life, this time of year is filled with busyness, finalising tasks for 2024 and preparing for the upcoming year. While there seems to be a regular flow of Christmas art and gifts going home each night, there are also the ongoing learning tasks. Teachers are well into the reporting process with reports due out early next week. Despite the inevitable tiredness, there is also a sense of satisfaction in completing the year with uplifting results and achievement.
As our Year 6s conclude their time at St Joseph’s there is an atmosphere of happiness, expectation for their future and uncertainty. This mixture of emotions can sometimes trigger unexpected behaviours or outbursts. It is important, as adults, to provide time to listen, encourage curiosity and plan for their future schools. The transition days assist in this matter. Keep correspondence on dates, expectations, and contact details available to answer the ‘unknown’ questions and reduce any anxiety creeping in.
I look forward to the upcoming Year 6 Graduation to hear of student achievements and contributions to St Joseph’s School.
Go Gently
Trish Merlo
Acting Principal