Captains' Corner 

Gloria Jada and Sherlyn Antony - Faith and Mission Captains 2024

Hello everyone!


I hope everyone had a great break to rest and restart. What an amazing start to a new term.

Having just finished our athletics carnival, the enthusiasm that you guys brought is probably just enough to get us through this term. Regarding the carnival, firstly I would like to thank each one of you for your participation and support, without you this event wouldn’t have been a success. Even though it was a chilly day we managed to thrive and reach for the stars.  Coming together as a College is our representation of our community, so thank you for bringing yourselves.


Over the course of the past two weeks, we celebrated our ANZAC Day commemoration, showing our respect and acknowledging the heroes of our country.  They sacrificed their everything for our peace today. This was a time for us to reflect on our own conflicts and struggles and understand the pain of sacrifice. I strongly believe this Commemoration gave us the insight of gratitude and faith.


Along with the Captains and SRCs, our student body have initiated a recycling scheme for plastic bottles. This idea has been greatly supported by many people within our community. We would kindly ask the same of our students to help us recycle their used plastic bottles and prevent them from going to landfill.


Our team have also initiated a palette paint series where we have created a space for our students to come together to reflect and create art pieces of their own regarding a complex topic. Do come along and get your hands painting.


And finally, Founders Day is coming up! Mark it in your diaries.  Celebrating our Founders, having a day away from our academic schedule and enjoying the day as a school is such a blessing. We have amazing fundraising opportunities and activities to enjoy on this day. We will be finishing off the day with our favorite Talent Quest! Come along and enjoy the day.

Thank you everyone and have a good term 😊.


Sherlyn Antony

Faith and Mission Captain