Deputy Principal- Teaching & Learning

  Kamila Bielinski 

Academic Honesty Policy - Student Awareness

Student leaders play a crucial role in shaping community culture, advocating for their peers and creating positive change within the College community. Whether they're organising events, leading clubs or representing student interests, their dedication and efforts contribute significantly to the overall student experience. Many thanks to the College Student Leadership Team for introducing the Academic Honesty Policy last week. Your leadership and dedication to academic honesty and establishing a culture of fairness and equal opportunity to learn and succeed is immensely valued. 


New Subjects 2025

The College is proud to announce a suite of new subjects that will be offered in the 2025 academic year.


We thank all those involved in developing new courses and are very excited to provide further breadth and depth to learning opportunities at St John’s Regional College. 


VCE - Philosophy (Year 11 2025)

Philosophy is the structured investigation of some of the deepest questions that confront us. In Units 1 and 2 Philosophy students will consider questions such as: What is the ultimate basis for existence? What is consciousness? Do we have free will? Can we know anything for certain? Can science give us knowledge? Why should I act morally? What is the best form of government? Why is art so important for us? What makes a great work of art so great?


Philosophy as an academic discipline requires and fosters the development of some very specific (and very useful) skills in the recognition, analysis, evaluation and creative production of arguments (reasons for belief). These critical thinking skills are essential if you are to succeed not only in Philosophy but also in all other subjects, and in life more generally for that matter. In particular, study in Philosophy will guide students to develop an understanding of the structural principles and the writing skills required to write a really convincing piece of argumentative prose.


VET - Certificate III in Events Management (Year 11 VCE students 2025)

Throughout the course students will learn how to communicate event ideas, gather information, plan and organise activities, work in teams and solve problems. In the first year students will develop and promote a special themed event, put an event proposal together for an 'in-house' customer and organise an end of year event. The focus for the second year is to further develop skills and knowledge of the events industry by running a larger St John’s in-house event. This will develop skills in meeting management, team building, client liaison and coordinating events. This course is a great introduction into the SIT50322 - Diploma of Event Management, where students will continue to extend the skills and knowledge they have gained to establish themselves in this industry.  Career Opportunities can include: event management, wedding planning, international event coordination and festival or sporting events coordination.


Year 10 Vocational Minor (VM)  - (Year 10 2025)

Vocational Minor gives students hands on learning opportunities and a pathway into the Vocational Major (VM) and Vocational Pathways Certificate (VPC). The Vocational Minor program will offer students a hybrid program that integrates both mainstream and applied learning principles to ensure students are assessed at the required Year 10 academic level. 

Premier's Reading Challenge

The Premier’s Reading Challenge is now open. Students are encouraged to register for further information please contact the CLC staff.


We look forward to witnessing our students explore, learn and most importantly enjoy reading.


Year 7 to Year 9

  • Number of books: 15
  • Number of books from the Challenge book list: 10 or more

Year 10

  • Number of books: 15
  • Number of books from the Challenge book list: 5 or more