Cranbourne Campus News

Reconciliation Week
St Peter’s College Dreamtime game Tuesday 28th May
The week beginning 26th May is Reconciliation Week in Australia. Part of the action taken by St Peters College to raise awareness of the challenges faced (and still being faced) by First Nations people, includes our very own Dreamtime Football Games. Special Dreamtime football jumpers have been designed and produced by two of our First Nations students and these will be worn with pride as the Senior Boys of Cranbourne host the Senior Boys of Clyde North and the Senior Girls of Clyde North host the Senior Girls of our Cranbourne Campus.
Details (which will also come to competitors via Operoo)
- Tuesday 28th May 1:45 pm start (followed by a drink and BBQ to encourage storytelling and mixing as ‘one school’)
- Senior Girls played at Clyde North Campus
- Senior Boys played at the Cranbourne Campus
The College has arranged for Period 5 on this day to be a Pastoral Period so that students at younger year levels can come along and cheer for their campus team. Parents are also welcome to bring along a deck chair to watch (although unfortunately there is no parking available on the Cranbourne Campus)
We are looking forward to two fantastic football games that we hope will help to raise awareness that when it comes to Reconciliation with our First Nations brothers and sisters, we are not there yet.
Connecting with the Community
- a report from the Cranbourne ANZAC Day commemoration
On Thursday, April 25th, I had the privilege to attend the 2024 Cranbourne Anzac Day service, alongside College Captain Vasu Kaushal and fellow SRC Member Matthew Sinclair from Cranbourne Campus, and Azaria Schwalger and Nikeith Krishnan, the Clyde North College Captains. Together we paid our respects to all those men and women who fought for our country and the freedom we enjoy today.
The service began with the march through High St, which displayed many different communities in our area, ranging from Veterans to service men and women from the police force to young scouts. All parading together in respect to our fallen Anzacs, wearing their own uniform in solidarity.
Many more groups stood forward to pay their respects on behalf of their schools, football clubs and RSL communities and our College Captains and SRC members represented St. Peter’s College with pride and compassion as they laid their wreath at the cenotaph. As the bugle began to play ‘The Last Post’ the solemn silence that followed was broken by those final iconic notes and as fighter jets soared overhead and we all stared up in amazement.
The beautiful ceremony concluded with each of us joining in both the Australian and New Zealand national anthems and many more came forward to pay their respects. They share this time of reflection, gratitude and unity as the legend of the ANZAC lives on in the hearts of all who gather.
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.”
Lest we Forget
Anthony Krotwaar (Year 11 SRC)
Japanese Incursion
Drumming workshop
Our Year 9 Japanese students attended the Taiko (太鼓) Workshop oraganised by the Taiko instructor Kiyomi Sensei. Not only did students get a chance to learn and play Taiko, they also coordinated an impressive performance within such a short time, displaying a superb level of unity and discipline, which are deep-rooted in Japanese culture.
"I found Taiko really fun and interesting. It was certainly a unique experience for me as I've never done Taiko drumming before. I learnt many things during the process and would definitely do it again when given the opportunity."
Arpit Kaur (Year 9)
Aths Carnival
A glorious Day was put on for the 2024 Athletics Carnival. As has been mentioned in previous Campus Newsletter instalments, the St Peter's College carnivals play a vital role in building community and strengthening relationships. This year’s Aths was no exception. Not every student has the self-confidence to run and jump for their House (yet) but watching the interactions of staff and students helped confirm for me, the importance of these events, especially for those students who sometimes struggle with social awkwardness. Quite consciously, House Leaders make sure there is always a place to be or a task that needs to be done to engage each member of their House.
Carnival Results are below, however, I hasten to add that by the energy felt at the Athletics Carnival 2024, it seemed that community engagement was the winner.
Athletics Carnival
1st MacKillop
2nd Assisi
3rd Romero
4th Glowrey
5th Avila
6th Marian
7th Augustine
8th Kolbe
House Spirit
1st Assisi
2nd Glowrey
3rd Avila
Mr Jeremy Wright
Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus