From our Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,
It is fair to say that Summer has long gone, the days are colder and with this is the signal for all students to buckle in for solid blocks of learning leading up to peak assessment season. This is the time for students to be present, not just in respect to attendance but also showing up for classes ready to engage with the learning on offer. In the last edition of the newsletter, I spoke about being comfortable in being uncomfortable. It is only in this state where we build capacity in ourselves as learners. It starts with being present in class AND students taking risks in their learning. It starts in simple ways such as engaging in classroom discussions, answering questions in class and seeking assistance from teachers when unsure or not understanding concepts. It starts NOW!
Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL) Board Visit
Last week we were privileged to have a visit form the DOSCEL Board. The governance structure that we belong to, DOSCEL, is led by a board which is responsible for providing leadership, support, and services in the governance role of schools. It is DOSCEL’s responsibility as a governing body to ensure each school maintains and promotes the Catholic identity of the schools in the Diocese while meeting all legislative and regulatory requirements. This includes a strong focus on embedding and sustaining safe professional environments across all schools and workplaces, as well as a commitment to child safety. DOSCEL is responsible for making decisions that significantly impact on us at an operational level but more importantly supports us in the many challenges which face us.
The DOSCEL board toured both campus facilities, spoke to the leadership team, staff and students as well as engaging with a presentation centred on who we are and the challenges presenting themselves to us currently as we continue to grow as a significant Catholic college in the western fringe of the Sale Diocese.
It was a day which offered many learnings both from a DOSCEL and a St Peter’s College perspective and I take this opportunity to thank the DOSCEL Board and Director/Chief Executive Officer Paul Velten for spending time with us.
I continue to be disturbed by the research reports emerging on the health and social impacts of e-cigarettes on young Australians. I cannot help but wonder what the long-term effects will be and thus the narrative when we look back in twenty years or more. The Australian Government is taking decisive action to reduce the devastating harm that e-cigarettes are having on our communities, especially on children and young people. Legislation to bring in these reforms was introduced into Federal Parliament in March; however, its passage isn’t assured. We need our nation’s decision makers to hear the concerns of their constituents of schools, parents, teachers, and communities to secure their vote and stop the next generation of Australians becoming addicted to nicotine.
Vaping poses a serious risk to the health and well-being of children and young people. The latest data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows us that vaping has increased significantly, with 18% of 15-24-year-olds vaping. Overall nicotine product use (smoking and vaping) has more than doubled in those aged 14-17 to 10.4%. I encourage all parents to spend a moment and write to your Federal member in support of the current reforms. If interested please click here to access an online template to assist you in structuring your letter of concern and support.
Athletics Carnivals
By the time you are reading this the Athletics carnivals will have been run and won. I will leave for others to report on the results of these and instead speak of the benefits of such days. It is commented on regularly that St Peter’s College is a place of welcome. It’s a reflection I happen to agree with, even though I might have a bias. That sense of welcome just doesn’t happen, it is created with much effort and explicit intent built primarily on the concept of community. The Athletics carnival, where the whole of campus comes together, is an opportunity for staff and students to interact beyond the classroom in a much more social and relaxed environment. The engagement of students with each other for a common purpose, the sense of comradeship developed, the leadership of students in running key aspects of the day all collectively contribute to the building of community. The importance cannot be under-estimated or over-stated. If students enjoy school and enjoy being at school and with their peers, their sense of connectedness grows. With greater levels of connectedness, the greater chance there is that students will want to succeed.
As to who won the Athletics Sports? That comes secondary to all of the above mentioned benefits.
High Achievers
Congratulations is extended to the Intermediate Mixed Netball team (Cranbourne) who recently won their section at the Secondary School Casey Netball Cup. Also to the Junior Mixed Netball team who were runners up.
Congratulations is also extended to the Year 10 Volleyball team (Cranbourne) who were recently crowned Victorian Champions in the Year 10 Division 2 competition.
Enjoy the week ahead.
Mr Chris Black