

Director of Service

We are back! Term two already!! 


What amazing few weeks we have had back at before and after school care. We got to welcome back our original Director of Service, Lauren. She has spent the last five months on maternity leave welcoming her little girl into the world. 


With the weather not being so great, we have spent most of our sessions inside our nice cozy room, creating many different creations. We have been using all sorts of building blocks to create towers as well as many different forts. 

With a new term, we have rearranged our room making this space more of a welcoming, calming area for all children to enjoy. The children have been involved in creating these spaces, such as our healthy eating wall where we have made many different healthy foods out of paper. Feel free when collecting your children to come in and have a look around at our new improved room. 


This past week we were lucky enough to be able to be a part of our school colour run. Ella and I got to be a part of dressing up as the mascots for the day and had an absolute blast running around with the children and putting smiles on all the children’s faces. 



We are currently creating a community wall in our room for all our community to enjoy. If anyone has any brochures for local businesses, we would love to display these on our wall for all to see! Please come see Lauren or Ella if you have any questions or queries.