
Aaron Cox


Term 2 Week 3

Just a quick note to let you know that Jack T (4P) made it through SSV Regional Championships in diving and has just come 10th in the 9-12 age group in SSV State Championships! Well done Jack!



ANZAC Day Service

Kingswood was proud to attend the children’s ANZAC Day Service event at the Dingley Memorial conducted by the Keysborough Dingley Rotary Club. Our students were part of a three-school choir led by Narelle Vella and our school leaders read at the event. All students represented Kingswood in the best possible way. Although there was a little rain, it was the least we could do to ensure the ANZAC story continues to be passed from generation to generation. Everyone should be very proud. 



Camp Program Parent Feedback

Kingswood will need to re-evaluate our whole school camping program. The current program which is one of the most extensive of any government primary school is unsustainable when aligned with Time in Lieu requirements for staff, Department compliance and paperwork.  I am seeking parent input into your opinions about camps moving forward. Please provide feedback via this Google form if you are interested.