A message from David 

Principal's Report

Cross Country

Elgar Park was full of spirit as our students competed with courage and tenacity in our annual House Cross Country. All students from Prep to Year 6 are to be congratulated on putting their best foot forward time and time again, giving effort and enthusiasm for a most successful event. A big shout out to Emily for her outstanding leadership and coordination. She was well supported by the staff, parent helpers and of course, our House Captains. Congratulations to all houses for showing tremendous sportspersonship when competing and supporting and good luck to our athletes who placed to represent Box Hill North in the up and coming District Championship race.

Simply Spectacular

Our State School Spectacular team took part in another rehearsal in preparation for this year’s main event to be held in September. The team learned new routines in an intensive four hour session at Mont Albert Primary School. Their energy and passion is contagious and I look forward to seeing them take opportunity to perform at assembly this week as they continue to fine tune their act.


Engagement and Wellbeing

Congratulations to our students for achieving their second whole school reward for consistently demonstrating exceptional behaviours. This of course, is part of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) initiative that we officially launched in Term 4 last year. Collectively, the students were recognised for demonstrating positive behaviours in and out of the classroom, earning them the opportunity to celebrate such achievement with a movie night. It was simply fantastic to see our community come together. Students on the night were selected as part of a ‘lucky door prize’ to be involved in the decision making for the next rewards that we will work towards. Keep an eye out for more information in the next couple of weeks…

