DSM - Defence Student Mentor

ANZAC Day Assembly and Hasting RSL ANZAC Day March and Parade
St Mary's school community commemorates and remembers the service of our Australian and New Zealand forces who have served us in the past, and who are currently in service. Our Defence Force Students led our assembly with symbols, reflection and prayer highlighting the importance of this day. Our sense of respect was shown when we had 35 St Mary's students and their families participate in the Hastings RSL March and Ceremony on Thursday the 25th of April. Our two student leaders, Gus and Lexi, proudly laid a wreath on our behalf.
Defence Student Program
St Mary's proudly supports students whose families are currently in service or have served in our Australian forces. They meet most weeks with our DSM mentor, Mrs Galvin, and are supported in all areas of their schooling.
The Defence School Mentor Program is delivered in partnership with the Australian Government to support the well-being of children of ADF members.
The program connects children with the St Mary's school community and enhances our ability to address the impacts of the military lifestyle.
The program has 4 objectives:
- Provide families with information about the St Mary's school environment and the support available relevant to their child's developmental needs.
- Support children to access school-based social and emotional support, aligned to school policies.
- Facilitate opportunities for children to build relationships and connections through events and other initiatives (for example, the regular Defence Force Club on Monday afternoons with Mrs Galvin).
- Raise awareness amongst the school community about the impacts of the Defence lifestyle on children and families.
If parents have any questions regarding this program, please email Lisa on lgalvin@smhastings.catholic.edu.au