General News 

Mrs Kate Thompson and Mrs Tracey Klitsch


   School TV , Facebook  links below 



Week 3

Wednesday:  Lesson 3 for Holy Communion

Friday:  Infants Mass 9:30am

                Diocesan Cross Country in Barraba


Week 4  

Monday:         PAT assessments (Maths) for primary students

Tuesday:         PAT assessments (Reading) for primary students

                           PAT assessments (Maths) Year 2

                           Twilight Reflection after school for staff

Wednesday:  PAT assessments (Reading) Year 2

                           Lesson 4 Holy Communion

                           Real talk for primary students

                           National simultaneous story time, Quirindi Library 12:00pm for Infants 

Thursday:       Principals' meeting in Armidale

Friday:             Principals' meeting in Armidale

                           Mary Help of Christians feast day Mass at 10am in honour of Sr Therese                                    and Mrs Cath Davidson.  Primary students to attend. 


Mother's Day Stall

We hope all of our mums enjoyed Mother's Day 2024 and their gifts from the Mother's Day Stall.  The children certainly enjoyed choosing them as well as the challenge of hiding them from mums until Sunday!  We have had some lovely feedback from parents, thanking us for organising the beautiful gifts as well as all the hard work that Mrs Canham put into the slideshow for the liturgy on Friday. Thank you for contacting really does mean so much. 


Dear parents and carers,

Mrs Klitsch and I went to Attendance Inservices last week.  We were informed of a few changes that will be made to the way absences need to be handled. 


After the 20th of May, there will be a new automated system that will run through Compass where you receive an SMS message if your child is not at school. This will now be sent at 10 am not 9:30am, as is the current system. 


You will also receive an email each day for 7 days to remind you to explain your child's absence as this is a legal requirement.  As a school, we are no longer able to send out or process attendance notes that are more than 7 days overdue.  This will apply to all absences, partial and whole day.


If you drop your child off at school after 8:50am and you don't come in to the office to sign them in, this will be an unexplained absence. They will be marked as present from the time they walk through the front gate but there will be that timeframe that is unexplained. 


In the coming weeks we will be publishing items in the newsletter that explain the importance of attendance and what poor attendance means for your child. Whilst 90% attendance may seem reasonable, the impact over 6 years of education is substantial as per the table below.


Return and earn is back on Wednesdays 

Compass Events

If your child can not attend an event, please select the decline option just so that we know the permission has not been missed. 


If you need to speak with a staff member other than Kate or Tracey, please email and make an appointment time as our staff are often on duty and are not available for on the spot chats especially at the front gate - they also need to have breaks for lunch. Email addresses can be found in the 'Contact details' page of this newsletter to make it easy for you. 

Afternoon Travel Arrangements  

Please notify the school by email before 2pm of your child's travel changes. In an emergency you can call the office after this time.

Activities levy

The activities levy of $70/student needs be paid in full by Monday, 24th June 2024.


This levy will cover buses for swimming, athletics and cross country, pool entry, visiting performers/shows and a portion of the transport for a specialist music teacher. This does not include major excursions, Mothers/Fathers Day gifts, Year 6 Big Day Out, or Diocesan sport as these are user pay activities.   All families are expected to pay this levy.