Religious Education

Term 2, Week 3

The Ascension of Jesus - Sunday, 12th May.

The Ascension is an important part of the Catholic faith as it affirms the divinity of Christ, as he returned to his Father. This is celebrated 40 days after Easter.


40 days after Jesus’ resurrection, he ascended into heaven in the presence of his Disciples, on the Mount of Olives. This marked the end of his time of public ministry and began his time in the Kingdom of Heaven. After he ascended, the Disciples remained behind and continued to praise him. Through the death, resurrection, and finally the ascension of Jesus, God redeemed the world.

We are celebrating an Infant's Mass this Friday, 10th May at 9.30am. Please join us.

Mother's Day Celebration - 10th May

Thank you to all the people who joined us for our special Mother's Day Celebration. Here is the link to the Liturgy -  


Here are some photos during our Mother's Day Celebration - 



This Sunday, 19th May, the Church celebrates Pentecost, one of the most important feast days of the year that concludes the Easter season and celebrates the beginning of the Church.  

The timing and origins of Pentecost

Pentecost always occurs 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus and 10 days after his ascension into heaven. Because Easter is a moveable feast without a fixed date, and Pentecost depends on the timing of Easter, Pentecost can fall anywhere between May 10 and June 13.

What happens at Pentecost?

In the Christian tradition, Pentecost is the celebration of the person of the Holy Spirit coming upon the Apostles, Mary, and the first followers of Jesus, who were gathered together in the Upper Room.


A “strong, driving” wind filled the room where they were gathered, and tongues of fire came to rest on their heads, allowing them to speak in different languages so that they could understand each other. It was such a strange phenomenon that some people thought the Christians were just drunk — but Peter pointed out that it was only the morning, and said the phenomenon was caused by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit also gave the apostles the other gifts and fruits necessary to fulfill the great commission — to go out and preach the Gospel to all nations. It fulfills the New Testament promise from Christ (Luke 24:46-49) that the Apostles would be “clothed with power” before they would be sent out to spread the Gospel.

Happy Birthday, Church! 

It was right after Pentecost that Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, preached his first homily to Jews and other non-believers, in which he opened the scriptures of the Old Testament, showing how the prophet Joel prophesied events and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

He also told the people that the Jesus they crucified is the Lord and was raised from the dead, which “cut them to the heart.” When they asked what they should do, Peter exhorted them to repent of their sins and to be baptized. According to the account in Acts, about 3,000 people were baptised following Peter’s sermon.

Our School Leaders will attend the Catholic Schools Week Mass in Tamworth on Tuesday, 28th May with Mrs Long and Mrs Canham.

CSNSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander State Education Conference 22nd - 24th October

Message Stick Visit to St Joseph's and St Brigid's.

Message Stick Information 

"The purpose of the Message Stick visiting our schools and their associated parishes is twofold. Firstly, it is an opportunity to inform both the school and parish community of the upcoming CSNSW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Conference. We hope that its presence in each community might provide an opportunity for people to ask questions and generate some enthusiasm and interest around the conference. Secondly, it provides an opportunity for each community to engage in some cultural celebration and learning. We hope that this might occur at the local parish, within the school and even outside the gates of the school in the local community. The other wonderful outcome of the Message Stick visiting communities is that it provides a unique opportunity for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staff to feel great pride and for schools to celebrate the culturally rich contribution that they make to each of our schools."


James Russell

Subject Matter Expert: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Engagement & Conference Organisation

Mission & Learning 



Our First Holy Communion candidates are working well through their lessons and booklets. Please keep the following students in your prayers and thoughts as they prepare for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion:


Andy Bartholomew

Ryder Hird

Tayla Jamieson

Billie Peach

Molly Peach 

Reuben Shaw


Our remaining lessons:-


Third Lesson will be on Wednesday 15th May 2024

Fourth Lesson will be on Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Fifth Lesson will be on Wednesday 29th May 2024

Reflection Day will be on Friday 31st May 2024


The Sacrament will be celebrated on Sunday 2nd June which is the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ.


St Brigid's Parish Bulletin - 5th May



Take care and kind regards,


Mrs Sarah-Jane Canham

Religious Education Coordinator