Wellbeing @ NLPS

Coffee Catch Up Morning

Our recent coffee morning catch up was nothing short of delightful! As the aroma of freshly brewed Turkish coffee filled the air, it set the perfect ambiance for our gathering. Thank you to Sheri Seyit (a wonderful community member), for supplying some gorgeous coffee cups and making coffee for us.


It was heartening to see so many parents join us, ready to share stories, laughter, and even some coffee cup reading. The event provided a wonderful opportunity for parents to connect, unwind, forge new friendships, and we even had old friends reconnecting after decades.


From exchanging parenting and life tips, to reminiscing about our own school days, conversations flowed effortlessly. It was evident that amidst the busy schedules and demands of daily life, these moments of connection are cherished by all.


I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all who attended and contributed to the success of our first Coffee catch up. Your presence made it a truly memorable experience, and I look forward to many more opportunities to come together, share, and support one another.


Until next time, let's continue to nurture these connections and celebrate the spirit of community that defines our wonderful school.