Year Level News

Including Specialist Subjects

Year 5/6 News

Newport Lakes Reserve

Many weeks have gone past as teachers have filled our minds with geography but we got more on a look see last Monday exploring and drawing our own maps. Last Monday all the Year 5/6 students went on a mind boggling journey to Newport lakes! Not the school, the nature reserve!


We walked all the way to Johnston street arriving at our destination and getting welcomed by Andrew, our instructor. We walked through Newport lakes observing nature as our minds got filled to the brim with facts. Did you know that Newport Lakes was once a quarry and a dump? Also did you know that Newport Lakes  (back in the day) was called Stony Rises because Newport Lakes is on a ginormous hill!?


After the tiring hike we set foot back to school, our minds aching with facts. We got to school, slumped down in our desks and drew our very own maps based on Newport Lakes. We put all our knowledge to use to make it the very best it could be.


Thank you to Carly, Mat and all the Grade ⅚ teachers for organising this wonderful experience. It was fun and inspiring.


By Amelia, Daniela, & Max.