Monday 3 June
Year 10 Exams
Year 9 English Exam | Periods 5 & 6
Tuesday 4 June
Year 10 Exams
Year 9 Maths Exam | Periods 5 & 6
Wednesday 5 June
Year 10 Exams
VCE Exams
Thursday 6 June
VCE Exams
Year 9 Humanities Exam | Periods 5 & 6
Friday 7 June
VCE Exams
Year 9 Science Exam | Periods 3 & 4
Monday 10 June
King's Birthday - Public Holiday
Tuesday 11 June
Student Free Day | Reporting & Assessment
Monday 17 June
Years 7 to 10 | Semester 2 Starts
Tuesday 25 June
Morrisby Career Testing | Year 9
Friday 28 June
End of Term 2 | 2:30 pm Finish
Year 9 Exams
Monday 3 to Friday 7 June
Year 9 students have normal timetabled classes all week except for when they have an exam;
- Monday - English | Periods 5 & 6
- Tuesday - Maths | Periods 5 & 6
- Thursday - Humanities | Periods 5 & 6
- Friday - Science | Periods 3 & 4
Year 10 Exams
Monday 3 to Wednesday 5 June
Year 10 students will only be required at school when they are attending an exam. No scheduled Year 10 classes will be running.
The exam timetable for every student is available on their Compass schedule.
For Year 10 students studying a VCE Unit 1/2 Subject (Year 11 class), their normal timetabled class will be running and they will be required to attend their class if not sitting an exam.
Important Information:
- Students must be in full school uniform to sit exams
- Students will need to bring the correct resources with them - pens, pencils, dictionary, calculator etc (students can check this with their teacher for each exam)
- If students are absent for an exam, they will need to arrange to sit a catch-up exam
- Students can leave immediately after their last exam on each day
- If students have multiple exams on one day, they are not permitted to leave school in between their exams. If they have a break, they will complete private study
PLEASE NOTE: Year 10 students have normal timetabled classes on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 June, except when they have a VCE Unit 1 exam.
If students have any questions, they can see the Year 10 Coordinators in the Middle School Office.
Year 9 Captains Report
Hello and welcome to Term 2! We would like to introduce ourselves as Year 9 Captains; Emily Allard and York Newell. We will be working together with the Year 10 Captains and Vice Captains; Alannah, Coby, Luci and Tayla to provide Captains Reports with each newsletter on what's been happening around Middle School, to keep you updated!
Let's take it back a bit to Term 1, where we had a presentation about Pat Cronin to stop the coward punch and we had our final NAPLAN assessment!
On Wednesday 13 to Monday 18 March, Year 9 students had NAPLAN for the last time. There were four tests: writing, reading, conventions and numeracy. We all sat in the Hall and did each test one by one over the span of four days. Well done to everyone who took the tests and tried their hardest, we look forward to getting our results soon.
On Wednesday 20 March, we had a Pat Cronin session at school. It was a real eye opener for many, learning about Pat’s story and the coward punch. Everyone walked away with a wealth of information about the topic and how to prevent it.
In addition to the impactful events of Term 1, Term 2 promises lots of exciting activities and opportunities for us. From engaging in various sporting events to creative arts projects, our Year 9 cohort is primed for a term filled with fun times and adventure. We aim to not only thrive academically but also prioritize mental and emotional well-being from having our Year 9 Health and Wellbeing Day held on, Friday 24 May.
On top of all that, we are going thick and heavy into careers meetings to explore career paths and venture into what we want to do when we are older and participate in work experience.
Finally, we wish all Year 9s GOOD LUCK for the Year 9 Exams (English, Maths, Science and Humanities) starting next week - Monday 3 to Friday 7 June. Just remember to believe in yourself, stay focused, and do your best!
We look forward to seeing where the rest of the year goes!
York and Emily
Year 9 Health & Wellbeing Day
Friday 24 May
Year 9 students were involved in a Health & Wellbeing Day where they engaged in a range of FUN activities/sessions during Periods 1 to 6 and enjoyed a pizza lunch!
Arriving to SCHOOL on TIME
Students should be arriving at school no later than 8.30 am. This gives them time to put bags in lockers and organise their books/resources for Periods 1 and 2.
Home Group commences at 8.40 am. It is imperative that students attend to receive important daily information.
Students who arrive late to school are REQUIRED to sign in at the Middle School Office with Lauren Kelso before going to class.
We ask that parents/carers provide a parent note either on Compass or handwritten explaining the reason for late arrival. Alternatively, a message can be left on the School Absence Line 9735 5644.
Middle School Coordinators