Elevate Education Webinars
Elevate Education delivers high-impact workshops to our students that help to develop their study skills, motivation, and exam preparation.
During this term, you're invited to join the parent webinar series, where you can help support your child at home by reinforcing the skills they're learning at school.
Wednesday 5 June | 6:30 pm
How You Can Support Your Child During Exams
Wednesday 19 June | 6:30 pm
Ask me Anything (Live Q&A)
Please register for the series below and learn some great practical strategies to help support your child this year.
Cyber Safety Project
This year our school has partnered with trusted eSafety Provider Cyber Safety Project to bring parents and carers webinars exploring all facets of cyber safety.
Parents and Cares must register for this free event by clicking on the link below. Once registered you can access previous webinar recordings and future webinars.
Game Aware – Healthy Gaming | 30 July
Andrew Kinch (Game Aware) & Sam Macaulay (Cyber Safety Project)
Building Digital Resilience | 3 September
Ash Manuel (Growing with Gratitude) & Trent Ray (Cyber Safety Project)
My First Mobile Device | 22 October
Luca Gennai (Cyber Safety Project) & Trent Ray (Cyber Safety Project)
Any questions please contact Student Services on 03 9735 5644.