Student FREE Day
Buses Replace Trains
Buses will replace trains on sections of the Belgrave, Lilydale, and Alamein lines from Friday 24 May to early July.
Lilydale Station will be closed from 8:30pm Friday 24 May to mid-June. Myki and Parkiteer facilities remain available during this time.
Public Transport Victoria
Students facing crises like family violence or financial hardship are able to receive a free 30-Day Travel Pass to ensure they can continue their education journey stress-free.
Passes are available to students and caregivers directly through schools. Students are able to access a new pass every 30 days if needed.
Please note, the free 30-Day Travel Pass is available only for public services, myki buses and can not be used for Contract buses.
Find out more
Free Dental Care
The Smile Squad team from Inspiro welcome you to come to their clinic for free dental care.
Smile Squad is the Victorian Government free school dental program. This means all students can get a free dental check-up, preventive services, and treatment.
Consent is required first before services can be provided. After you have completed the form, Inspiro will give you a call to book in an appointment.
Sign up to Smile Squad here; OR QR code:
Inspiro Community Health
17 Clarke Street
9738 8801
Charge Devices
A reminder for all students to make sure that devices are fully charged before coming to school. They are a very important learning tool that should be ready to use every day at school.
School Uniform
Now the colder weather is upon us, all students should be wearing their winter uniform every day, this includes travelling to and from school.
Hoodies, tracksuit pants and runners are not allowed. Black polishable hard leather shoes are the required school uniform shoes.
The co-operation of parents and carers is expected in delivering a high standard of appearance for students.
All school uniform items can be purchased from LOWES Lilydale Marketplace.
Student Absences
When your child is marked as ABSENT without prior parent approval before 10:45am, Parent A will receive a text message containing a LINK to have the opportunity to explain the absence.
Once the link is followed and reason for absence is entered, the absence will update Compass.
If you are unable to log in to Compass OR are having trouble approving absences, please email the Sub School Office Assistants who will be able to assist you.
Junior School
Middle School
Senior School
Mobile Phones
Student MOBILE PHONES must be kept locked in lockers at all times throughout the school day.
A 'Principals After School Detention' will apply for any student using their mobile phone whilst at school.
The aim of the mobile phone policy for all government schools is to provide:
- a safe environment to learn without inappropriate mobile phone use (including cyberbullying) or distractions
- greater opportunities for social interaction and physical activity during recess and lunchtimes
Parents and Carers, if you need to contact your child throughout the day, please contact the Sub School Offices and a message will be forwarded to your child.
School Facebook Page
To keep up to date with News and Events at Lilydale High School, we encourage all parents and carers to follow the Lilydale High School 'OFFICIAL' Facebook page.