Year 7 ART
The artworks pictured below are based on the style of Freidensreich Hundertwasser, who was often said to be opposed to a 'straight line'.
From learning about Hundertwasser, students in 7I (Ms Rubio's class) have designed their own artworks. The visual impact of these artworks is amazing!
The dynamic colour combinations were tested then rendered carefully by the students to achieve the most effective result. The beautiful, coloured pens enhanced their enjoyment of the topic. Throughout the project the students gradually developed their small motor skills and control over the medium.
Year 7
Visual Communication Design
7D students recently designed cute avatars in Ms Rubio's Visual Communication Design class.
Year 8 Medieval Day
Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 May
Year 8 students had a GREAT time participating in a full day immersive medieval experience to compliment their History studies.
Medieval activities included; Archery, Weapons, Crime Punishment, Fashion & Dress, Role of Dance and a Tournament.
Year 9 LHS Cafe
The Year 9 Community Time Café class have been doing a FANTASTIC job this term preparing and selling delicious treats for students and staff to purchase at lunchtimes and various school events.
- Quiche
- Sausage Rolls
- Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows
- Coffees
- Coco Pop Slice
- Cheesymite Scrolls
- Cheese and Bacon Scrolls
- Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows
- Coffees
Year 9 AEP
Capturing Creativity
Year 9 AEP students have been busy developing performances and creating 3D artworks in preparation for their Creative Showcase taking place later in the term.
Watch this space for more details!
Year 9 Textiles
Earlier this term Year 9 students in Ms Hovanjec's Textiles class made lovely Tot Bags.
Year 9 Ceramics
This term, Year 9 students in Ms Hovanjec's Ceramics classes have been making clay ANZAC poppies and Garden Gnomes.
Year 9 ADP English
Wednesday 15 May
Mr Bleakley’s Year 9 ADP English class recreated key moments from the novel ‘The Crossover’ in Play Dough.
The Crossover - A powerful novel in verse about twin brothers who are rivals both on and off the basketball court.
Year 9
Yarra Ranges Tec School Visits
This term, Year 9 Humanities students are exploring the food industry and business operations, encompassing the entire supply chain, from growing crops to achieve the most yield and income and designing restaurant meals to get the highest profit, to delivering food in the fastest manner.
Below is a selection of photos of students from 9B and 9H at the ‘Best Buys’ program at YRTS.
Year 9
Big Mexican Fiesta
Tuesday 21 May
Ms Legg's Year 9 Food Studies 'It's Up To You' class enjoyed an AMAZING Mexican FEAST during Periods 1 and 2.
Mexican food is one of the world's great cuisines and is flavourful, aromatic, vibrant, delicious, fresh and FUN!
Year 9
'Acting Out' Performance
Wednesday 28 May
Year 9 Community Time students working together to create positive experiences for our school community.
The Acting Out class presented a performance based on Appearances to a variety of students from different year levels.
After the performance the audience were treated to a variety of delicious treats made by Ms Legg's LHS Cafe class.
We are so proud of all of the Year 9 students involved.
Narelle McGrotty
Year 10 What's Cooking!
Wednesday 17 May
Ms Marshall’s Year 10 Cooking for Company class made delicious pizzas! The pizzas had a homemade cauliflower base (gluten free), as students had been learning about allergies and intolerances in class.
The feedback on the day..... was that the pizzas tasted GREAT!
Year 10
World of Food Learning Task
Friday 3 May
Students in Ms Jackson's Year 10 Food and Culture class completed their World of Food Learning Task. They all had a wonderful time creating a dish with their classmates from their chosen cuisine!
Year 10 Food Trucks Feast
Monday 20 and Wednesday 22 May
The annual 'Food Trucks Feast' was catered by the Year 10 Cooking for Company classes.
This was their major task for the semester. Students had to plan their own recipes, multiply them to serve 20 (at lunchtime for staff) and create flyers to promote the Food Trucks.
Monday 20 May - Ms Sommers class
- Slices
- Desserts
- Big Mac Tacos
- Candy Apples
Wednesday 22 May - Ms Marshall's class
- Brownies
- Smoothies and Parmas
- HSPs
- Baked Potatoes
- Cupcakes
- Nachos and Churros
- Burritos
Congratulations and well done to both classes, the feedback received from all staff was FANTASTIC!
Victorian Institute of Sport
Tuesday 30 April
Our EIS Netballers and Footballers travelled to the Victorian Institute of Sport to participate in a Sports Nutrition session.
They also had a tour of the facilities and listened to guest speaker athlete, Linden Hall - Australian 800m & 1500m runner.
VET Stunt Acting
Wednesday 24 April
VET Acting Screen students were super lucky to take part in a ‘Stunt Acting’ workshop with Stunt Coordinator, Richard Anastasios and Cameraman Bill Robinson.
Students learnt how to safely undertake action acting scenes and how to effectively film them.
It was fantastic to see students challenging themselves and going outside their comfort zone! Well done to everyone involved.
Friday 17 May
The school came together at lunchtime to celebrate IDAHOBIT Day….. “No one left behind: equality, freedom, and justice for all.”
A big THANK YOU to the SRC Team for organising the event and to the Year 9 Compassionate Kitchen class for making the delicious cupcakes.