Anti-bullying Fundraiser

Do It For Dolly Day

Friday 10 May was 'Do It For Dolly Day', a national day in memory of Dolly Everett who tragically took her own life, aged 14 years, due to ongoing bullying and cyberbullying.


Tick and Kate Everett, Dolly’s parents, decided to establish Dolly’s Dream to create positive change and as a lasting legacy to their daughter.

This year, Year 7 student, Annika Mackieson (7B) is raising money towards Dolly's Dream. The money raised goes towards creating anti-bullying workshops and education regarding cyber safety.

On Friday 10 May, Annika proudly wore blue face paint to show her support for Dolly’s Dream. This cause is incredibly important and we wish Annika the very best in her fundraising effort.


Annika has also left Butterfly Band sheets in Student Wellbeing that students can use to create a special message.


If you would like to donate please CLICK below: 



Student Wellbeing