School News 

Information for all Classroom Helpers and Parent Volunteers. 

(including classroom helpers, volunteers at events, volunteers at sports days, incursions and excursion)


We are excited to welcome Classroom Helpers into our classrooms in early Term 2 to assist with student learning from Prep to Year 6. 


This year all parents/guardians who would like to volunteer in the school will be required to complete the Classroom Helpers and Volunteers at Galilee Portal. At the end of the portal, volunteers will be required to complete a Google Form to acknowledge their completion of the portal. 


Volunteers include classroom classroom helpers, volunteers at events, volunteers at Sports Days, incursions and excursions.


Classroom Helpers

To volunteer at Galilee as a classroom helper, you will need to complete Classroom Helpers and Volunteers at Galilee Portal, linked below, hold a current Working With Children Check that the office has a copy of and that you keep on you at all times whilst volunteering, and be available to help in the classroom at a set time (once a week, once a fortnight). This will help teachers to develop a roster and know who is helping on particular days. 


If you are unable to commit to a regular time slot and want to occasionally help in the classroom, let your child’s teacher know and you can find a time that will work best for the classroom teacher and students.


Early in Term 2, teachers will send out a timetable with the days and times that they require support. You will be able to nominate a time that works best for you. You will then be rostered weekly or fortnightly. 



To volunteer at Galilee in any other capacity, you will need to complete Classroom Helpers and Volunteers at Galilee Portal, linked below and hold a current Working With Children Check that the office has a copy of and that you keep on you at all times whilst volunteering.


Staff will reach out to the community when they require volunteers, for example for sporting events, incursions, excursions, events. 


We continue to value all the support and assistance from our parents and thank you in anticipation.


Classroom Helpers and Volunteers at Galilee Portal:


Thank you

Holly and Carmen


Please see attchments for useful school information and QR Codes