Wellbeing and Inclusion 

 Mrs Courtney Hoffmann -  Assistant Principal

Dear Karoo Community, 


I hope that you all have had a wonderful start back to the term and are enjoying the crisp Autumn mornings!

Respectful Relationships and KPS Case Study 

Last week, our school took part in a Respectful Relationships (RR) Case Study.  We were invited to take part in the case study in recognition of the excellent work that we have been implementing in this area at our school. The RR approach focuses on building and promoting gender equity in relationships, and the challenging of gender stereotypes.  The RR approach is organised into 6 different areas.  Each area contributes to building a culture of respect.

On Thursday the 2nd of May, Sophie and Lachlan, two facilitators came to our school and spend the day meeting with our students, staff and parents and discussed the key elements of RR and how these are demonstrated in our school.   Overall, the feedback from the facilitators has been very positive regarding our schools' actions and future direction.  The information gathered from the case study will be used to track the impact of Respectful Relationships initiative across Victoria and as a school we will receive a summary of the findings, which we can utilise to identify our key next directions.


It is always important to remember that in our lives, we often have situations that arise in which we may need further support. In these situations, it is important to remember that reaching out for support when you need it, is a sign of strength.  If you or someone that you know may be feeling like they need to talk to someone further, our school can provide you with connections to key organisations.  One key organisation that we often refer to is called 'The Orange Door.'  The purpose of 'The Orange Door' organisation is to listen to you and help connect you to the supports that you may need.  You can visit them face to face, call over the phone or email.

For further information please use the link below to 'The Orange Doors' website or come speak to myself or your child's teacher.

Orange Door Website:  https://www.orangedoor.vic.gov.au/

Enjoy your week!


Kind Regards, 

Courtney Hoffmann


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