School Calendar

Week Two
Thursday 25th: ANZAC Day Public Holiday. Students are invited to attend the march. Please stayed tuned for further details.
Week Three
Monday 29th - Wednesday 1st May: Year 5/6 Canberra Camp
Week Four
Tuesday 7th May: School Photos
Friday 10th May: Mother's Day Stall
We are currently exploring options with Corryong College to work together for a Cross Country event in Week Four, but are yet to have a date confirmed.
Week Five
Monday 13th: Mother's Day Breakfast from 8 am. Details to be shared soon.
Friday 17th: Pupil Free Day - No school for students.
Week Six
Friday 24th: Year 2/3/4 Assembly
Week Nine
Monday 10th: King's Birthday Public Holiday
Week Eleven
Friday 28th June : Last day of Term 2.