Reflection on English and Literacy in 2024 at Korumburra Secondary College
As we reflect on 2024, there is plenty to celebrate within our school’s English and Literacy programs.
So many students made impressive progress in English this year. It is a pleasure to see all students -from Year s in Term One right through to Year 12s sitting their end of year exam- work hard and engage in their classes. I would encourage all students to keep aiming high and continue to use the resources around them for support. Ask for help when you need it and aim for progress not perfection. English, like any practical skill, takes practice, feedback and refinement to improve. Your teachers are your coaches; helping you develop and grow while giving you advice and cheering you on. We are never finished learning; it is a lifelong process and it is a privilege for educators to play a role in that process here at school.
I am pleased to report that KSC’s PAT Reading data at Years 8, 9 and 10 was higher than the state average. This is a powerful piece of data that we should celebrate, and I would like to acknowledge the hard work of all our English teachers and students. In Year 7 our students’ NAPLAN writing data was higher than similar schools and our network schools. These are just a few of the tools we use to inform us of student performance and it is encouraging to see some positive results in 2024. Congratulations need to go to both teaching staff and students for their hard work and to students especially for taking these assessments seriously and engaging thoughtfully, doing their best and aiming high. We will continue to use a broad range of assessment tools to improve our practice and support our students’ individual needs.
Our school once again offered many options to students for students to learn in a way that suits them best. Like Minds in Years 7 and 8 and Activate at Years 8 and 9 provide opportunities for our students to learn English no matter their strengths or individual learning needs. Our College is proud of these programs, which are more varied than many larger schools and allow us to know and cater for each and every student. It is exciting to see students have so much choice and agency in the way that they want to learn, while being supported to work hard and achieve their best.
Students studying English, English Language, and Literacy in VCE and VCE-VM have seen success as they improve their practical English skills in a variety of ways. Communication is a key part of work, study and being an engaged member of the community so I congratulate those students who have worked hard to improve their skill sets and critical thinking in these subjects.
All of the hard work and success of this year hasn’t happened by accident. As English Domain Leader I would like to thank the passionate English team who have worked so hard to support the students’ growth throughout their studies. We are fortunate here at KSC to have such a dedicated team of English teachers who always strive to meet the needs of a diverse range of learners. I would like to acknowledge the care and commitment demonstrated by the English teaching team. So much of an English teacher’s work happens outside the classroom too, and I would like to acknowledge the many hours of planning, reading, and marking which our hardworking English teachers do, week in and week out. In addition, many people work behind the scenes in our school to help students achieve their goals in English and Literacy, including education support staff in classrooms, our librarian Andrea Jenkin and our Mentor Teachers who keep students’ goals front of mind. On behalf of the English Domain, I extend them my sincere thanks.
It has been a privilege to work with the talented and supportive team of staff and students of 2024 and I look forward to the opportunities for teaching and learning in 2025.
Ms Cathy Ferguson, English Domain Leader.