It is an absolute privilege to be the Acting Principal of Korumburra Secondary College for 2025. I would like to focus on our future direction in this Principal Message and the vision we have for our College.
We have consulted widely with staff, students and parents about the values that we as a community hold close to our hearts. In first term next year we will launch the values with the school community. Much of our work with staff and students next year will focus on introducing School Wide Positive Behavior Supports and the values that underpin a positive culture at school. This includes working as a team to continue ensuring consistent approaches to positive classroom management strategies.
At Presentation Evening, I spoke about the importance of students creating a positive school.
Our students are the heart and soul of this school. While we have dedicated teachers, supportive families, and state-of-the-art facilities, it is students who make this school truly great. When you contribute your ideas, strive for excellence in your learning, and engage wholeheartedly, you bring vitality and purpose to Korumburra Secondary College. Every time you step into a classroom, participate in a discussion, or take part in an extracurricular activity, you shape not only what this school is but also what it has the potential to become.
I want to encourage students to reflect on the unique role you play here. A school is not just a building or a timetable of lessons—it is a living, evolving community. And it is up to each of you to help make it a place where you feel proud to belong. Whether it’s through your involvement in student leadership, contributing ideas for school initiatives, or simply supporting your peers, you have the power to shape our school into something truly extraordinary.
Take the opportunity to think about the legacy you want to leave behind. What kind of school do you want to look back on when you’ve graduated? What values and traditions do you want to see flourish? Remember, this is your school, and your voice matters. In 2025 we are reintroducing a Student Run Council or SRC and I hope that we have many nominations for this leadership opportunity to represent your year level and contribute your voice and ideas.
To our parents and carers your support, encouragement, and guidance are the foundation of your child’s success. We know that students do better when schools have strong partnerships with parents who are involved in their children’s learning. I extend an invitation to you to deepen your involvement in our school. In 2025 the School Council are forming working parties to review how we approach teaching, learning, and wellbeing, and we need your perspectives and ideas. Your insight as parents is invaluable, and your involvement will ensure that we create the best possible environment for every student to thrive. I will call for nominations to these working parties in the new year and I encourage you to consider joining one.
Collaboration is key to building a strong school culture. When students, families, and staff work together, we create a community where everyone feels valued and supported. Your participation—whether in these working parties, at school events or by supporting your own child to aim high and strive for their best every day —helps us grow and improve in ways that benefit everyone.
Success is not just about the grades you earn or the awards you receive. It’s about the person you become along the way. It’s about how you use your talents and achievements to make a difference—in your school, your community, and the wider world. We strive to prepare you for the world beyond school, whatever your pathway, and we gain immense satisfaction from your successes and seeing your growth as young adults contributing to the local and global community.
Congratulations to all our students on your incredible achievements in 2024. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished, but never stop striving for more. Our school motto is Aim High and its important that we strive to achieve our best. Next year we continue building a culture of high expectations for all students – we are lifting the minimum percentage for the pass rate for VCE from 30% to 40% on all tasks, which is more aligned to the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority standards. We will also introduce catch-up classes after school on Mondays for any students in the senior school who have missed or not passed assessment tasks so that they do not miss further learning time in classes. We will support students to achieve higher results, but students will also need to take responsibility for their learning by actively revising course content to achieve success.
To our parents, thank you for walking this journey with us. Together, let’s work towards making this school a place of opportunity, excellence, and belonging. To our amazing teachers and ES staff, thankyou for your commitment to getting the best outcomes for our students, for the care you show them as people, and the effort you put in every day to planning engaging lessons that prepare our students for the world beyond school as young adults.
I look forward to the opportunity to lead Korumburra Secondary College in 2025 and to work together to achieve a positive student culture where students take pride in their school, show care for all members of the school community, and aim high to achieve their best.
I wish you all a safe festive season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and I look forward to welcoming new and returning families in 2025.
Naomi Coleman
Acting Principal,
Korumburra Secondary College