Specialist Classes


Book Club Issue 3 is now open online for orders (via Loop) please use the link below to download or view this issue. 


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Preforming Arts



PERFORMING ARTS in Prep - Ms Alexandra Beamont

This term the students will focus on learning how to use their singing voices. They will learn a number of songs based around 3 note melodies (soh/lah/me). With support they will begin to try to play the taught songs on the melodic percussion instruments. The students will pursue their understanding of beat and rhythm. Dancing will continue to be a regular part of the program where students will get to explore different types of movement activities.





PERFORMING ARTS in Year 1 - Ms Alexandra Beamont

This term, the students will continue their learning on the melodic percussion instruments.  They will learn to play ‘Grumpy Sailor’ and ‘Hot Cross Buns’.  The students will collaborate in small groups to create their own ‘Grumpy Sailor’ compositions, and learn how to start and stop playing in time with others. They will continue to improve their listening evaluation skills in weekly exercises which will in turn develop their musical language.



PERFORMING ARTS in Year 2 - Ms Alexandra Beamont


This term, the students will continue their learning on the melodic percussion instruments.  They will learn to play ‘Grumpy Sailor’ and ‘Hot Cross Buns’.  The students will collaborate in small groups to create their own ‘Grumpy Sailor’ compositions, and learn how to start and stop playing in time with others. They will continue to improve their listening evaluation skills in weekly exercises which will in turn develop their musical language.