Learning & Teaching

Learning from Hubs

Cultivating a Community of Writers Parent Session


On Wednesday evening, we shared our learning and teaching approach around Writing at St. John’s, including times for explicit evidence informed instruction, as well as other times throughout the day where children are able to continue to practise and transfer skills learnt within Discovery. We shared our ‘why’ values statement our staff formulated at the end of 2023 and considered the research into fine and gross motor development which has a great impact on learning to write. We also discussed the ‘how’ and ‘what’ this then looks like in the Hubs with children. Thank you to the families that were able to attend. We appreciate your support in your child’s learning journey.



Handwriting at St. J’s - Prep Hub spotlight

After our scope and sequence design session with educators, we have been trialling some of the consistent approaches to teaching handwriting. The children from the Prep Hub have been practising their fine motor skills with some pre-writing activities, drawing from left to right without stopping. The children have also been practising the formation of specific letters during their whole group and targeted learning.


Communicating the Learning focus - Seesaw Update

Throughout this term we will be trialling a whole school approach to sharing the weekly learning focus for each Hub. Educators will share a weekly update detailing the learning focus for the whole group for the following week. This is to provide an opportunity to discuss your child’s learning experiences in their Hub and encourage them to share their new learnings from the week. As this information is generalised, it may not reflect your child’s individual learning progress which is addressed through 1:1 or targeted teaching sessions.


Stand Tall Program 3/4 Hub

Over the past four weeks on Wednesdays, the 3/4 Hub have participated in the wellbeing program ‘Stand Tall’ facilitated by Melbourne United. The purpose of the program is to continue to support our children to build positive relationships and be the best they can possibly be through classroom-based activities and on-court practical experiences. Our aim is to support our 3/4 children to implement the language, concepts and strategies learnt over the past four weeks to show the values of excellence, selflessness, inclusion and community.


Through these experiences, we have unpacked how our actions and choices can impact others in our learning and games. We all have a responsibility to show excellence, selflessness, inclusion and community with all members of our St John’s community.


Invitation to share our documentation - Reggio Emilia Australia Information Exchange (REAIE)

Excitingly, we have been asked to submit some of our teacher research and documentation to support the professional development of educators through various professional learning opportunities. This is based on our Learning and Teaching Inquiry approach to Community Projects, which is heavily influenced by the Learning and Teaching approach in Reggio Emilia. This is an incredible opportunity for the incredible work of our leaders and educators to support the work of others around the world. We are proud of the work our educators and leaders put into capturing the stories of children and look forward to sharing this to influence other educators’ experiences with children.


Mother's Day Celebrations


This Friday, we welcome all mums to join with the St John's family for a "Coffee and a Pastry", in Joan's Yard (weather permitting), from 8am.  See invitation attached (please register your interest to attend via the QR code for catering purposes). A coffee voucher will be provided for every mum and EFTPOS facilities will be available if you wish to purchase beverages for your child/ren.


A prayer gathering to celebrate Mother’s Day will be held at 9am on Friday 10th May in your child's Hub.

If you are unable to attend, we invite you to join via zoom link:  Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93731764387?pwd=cWQ2OWdydWxzREpjakdZMU1VN3k5Zz09 

Meeting ID: 937 3176 4387 Passcode: 142520

We ask that you please ensure your microphone is turned off.


Please note that there is no prayer gathering in the afternoon on this day.


Also on the day, children are invited to purchase one/two gifts from our Mother's Day Stall.  Items are priced between $2 - $5.  Please send children in with coins (no notes) and a carry bag for their present.



Orthodox Easter


Last Sunday, many families in our community celebrated Orthodox Easter. May the joy and blessings of this sacred occasion continue to resonate in your homes and hearts.



Jordan Fry

Faith Leader