Student Awards

Students of the Week
Jamie E, PA - for embodying the HERRRby values in all areas of learning. You’re always working hard and showing respect to others. What a superstar!
Ella R, 5D - for being a kind, caring, motivated and super hardworking member of our class!
Hazel M, 1A - for her commitment and diligence in always making sure the classroom is clean and tidy. You are amazing!
Lila W, 2A - for consistently embodying the HERRRBy values both in the classroom and in the playground. You are a role model for not only 2A but all of GPS!
Ava W, 5A - for being a happy, helpful member of 5A and an all-round sweet kid!
Green HERRRBY Award
Hazel M, 1A - for her commitment and diligence in always making sure the classroom is clean and tidy. You are amazing!
Will S, PA - for working hard to correct your letter formation and put finger spaces in your writing. Keep up the great effort!
Noa T, PB - for trying hard to practise your handwriting and counting collections. Your HERRRby poster about Respect was beautiful! You can do it!
Jackson M, PB - for the great progress you have made in listening and answering questions in class. Keep practising your Reading and Numbers! What a Superstar!
Evie D, PC - for being super resilient and working really hard to learn your letters and their sounds. You are amazing!
Heidi B, PD - for creating complex sentences that contain a noun and a verb and making those sentences better by adding when and where.
Austin C, 1A - for his amazing problem solving skills which he displayed when calculating difficult Place Value Puzzles. You are a maths star!
Elliot T, 1B - for experimenting with adjectives in his writing this week.
Amreen B, 1C - for always confidently sharing her ideas in class. You always add value to our class discussions.
Sophia S, 1D - for showing amazing enthusiasm with her reading. You blow me away with your home reading and effort during reading in class. Your hard work is paying off. Well done Sophia.
Ollie G, 2A - for being a kind and conscientious student that is giving his all in every learning area, keep it up!
Delilah S, 2B - for always putting in 100% effort into all her work. Well done Delilah!
Eytan K, 2C - for being a kind, caring and considerate friend. You are a great role model. Keep it up!
Mia P, 2D - for being a fabulous 2D class member, her wonderful disposition, maturity and sensitivity towards others.
Jordan M, 3C - for giving 110% effort in Maths clinics to improve his fraction skills. Keep it up Jordan!
Ariel M, 4A - for embracing a more positive and diligent attitude towards your learning!
Tomas C, 4B - for being awesome company on our safari through Werribee Zoo!
Theo L, 4C - for asking such curious questions on our excursion to Werribee Zoo and for sharing his knowledge about animals.
Theo L, 5B - for coming to school every day wearing a huge smile and bringing a positive attitude to every aspect of every day.
Rocky R, 5C - for consistently demonstrating dedication in class and completing work tasks promptly.
Bessie H, 6A - for completing all work to an exceptionally high standard. You’re a star, Bessie!
JT O, 6B - for showing effort and persistence through all things tricky. Keep up the excellent effort!
Halli K, 6C - for coming to school every day with a positive attitude and always doing your very best! You are a great Year 6 role model!
Aiden L, 3B - for being an awesome participant and working hard in Japanese class.
すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Lionel Z, 4C - for your hard work and dedication, along with your ability to follow instructions.
すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Zoe J, 5B - for showing consistent engagement in different activities and working with her best effort during the Japanese class.すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Madison S, 6B - for being an active participant and bringing cheerful vibes to the Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Ollie M, PD - for showing good manners and trying his best during the Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Jonah K, 1C - for your fantastic contributions and for sharing excellent Japanese skills with his classmates during the lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Adele Z, 2C - for working diligently in learning Hiragana and showing great listening skills during the lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!