Specialist's Say

What a great start to Term 2 getting to know the Grades 2's, 4's and 6's!
I've already been very impressed with the curiosity and enthusiasm that students have been working with. The focus for the first two terms this year is Biological Science which means lots of exciting opportunities to investigate and discuss the living things in the world around us, and what it takes for living things to thrive and survive.
Grade 2's will be focusing on their own growth through life up until now and we will also collect seeds from nature to see if we can grow indoor seedlings.
The dwarf beans that we planted with the Grade 3's last term are growing and we have had a small harvest every couple of days, mostly students have been examining the growth and having a little munch on the pickings. If we have large enough harvests with any of the food that we grow, we will donate to the school food bank program.
The Grade 4's will be focusing on plant and animal life cycles and it's with excitement that I can share the news that we will be hatching our own chickens!
The Grade 6's have hit the ground running and have set up an experiment in our Multipurpose space to see how long it will take and what types of mould we can grow on bread - fun and maybe a little bit gross! They will also care for and grow mushrooms and herbs for the duration of the term, recording all of the changes and possible successes/failures along the way.
Watch this space for more exciting updates as the term progresses!
Jess Parker