Classroom News

We have been working super hard in Prep this Term! We have continued to learn all about our stage 2 characters and use their sounds to make words and read some new words.
In our Religion unit we have started a unit on ‘Wonder’. During this we have been learning about nature and all the things God has made in nature. We even went on a nature walk!
We have also been learning about our feelings in our GEM time. This term we have started recognising the four ‘Zones of Regulation’ and which feeling we might feel in each zone. Why not have a chat to your child about these different zones?
Here’s what the Preps had to say this week!
Padang Reik; ‘I love drawing and learning to read!’
Stella Mckenzie; ‘Playtime is so fun and playing the animal trivia game!’
Hudson Davis; ‘I have loved playing on the playground and doing our animal trivia quiz!’
Karina Orlovska; ‘I love writing new words!’
Gemma Blake
Meg Knight
It has been a busy couple of weeks in Years 1 and 2 with lots of learning happening. In RE both year levels are learning about the concept of love and how God’s love is shown to us. We will be discovering ways we can show love to ourselves, others and our world. Our Inquiry unit of work is called ‘On Our Doorstep’ and we have begun by focusing on the Aboriginal Dreamtime stories and their meaning.
Year 1 students are very excited about our new Writing Bag that is going home weekly. We can’t wait to see what the children share with us. Remember if a special family member can’t come into the class to help share the writing, we will support your child to do so.
Year 2 Prayer Gathering will be held on May 17th. We will combine the two Year 2 classes to share our 'National Sorry Day' Prayer Gathering due to Father Michael's special Mass the following week. We will be sending home readings with students in the coming days to practise at home.
Finally, just a reminder that we ask no toys come to school. Children become very upset if something happens to their special toys.
Have a lovely weekend.
Judy Carr
Jodie Hassett
Paula Parish
Emma Roberts
Matt O'Dowd
Amanda Delorenzo
It’s always nice to see the children returning from a long weekend looking so refreshed and positive.
Today half of the 3/4 cohort attended the Footy Gala Day. A lot of fun was had by all who attended. The rest of our cohort had a great time creating Pete Cromer inspired artworks with Deb and Kascha.
This Term our Inquiry focus in 3/4 is Amazing Australia. We have started learning about reading maps, as well as locating well-known cities and landmarks on them.
Next Friday the children will visit a Mother’s Day stall at school to select a gift for a special woman in their life. They will not need to bring in any money for this.
Next Wednesday we will celebrate Catholic Education Week with a very special Mass.
This week 3DH/LA are leading our school at Prayer Gathering.
3ER will lead Prayer Gathering the following Friday.
Elissa Rodger
Deb Holland
Liza Alexander
Kascha Blair
Matt Absalom
In the senior area of the school, Grade 5 and 6 students have been continuing their novel studies with the Grade 5’s looking at War Horse and the Grade 6’s looking at Jabberwocky.
The Grade 5’s have completed a Narrative with an ANZAC theme in writing whilst the Grade 6’s are practising their writing skills with narrative poetry.
In Numeracy, Grade 5’s are finishing their unit on addition and subtraction and will move onto the multiplication and division unit the Grade 6’s have already started. This is a great time to practise with students their times tables at home for the multiplication and division unit.
Grade 5’s have the Kinders from around Colac coming to visit the school on Monday morning and this will be a great opportunity for them to develop their leadership skills. A reminder Rachel will be out on Carer's leave from this Friday to next Wednesday.
Finally, students will be heading over to the Lake Oval on Friday for cross country trials with interschool cross country being held at the golf club next Thursday.
An update from the students
Written by Billy Hay, Henry Billing, Leo Falciola Barrow and Nader Black.
So far this term in Literacy we have been learning about poetry. Today for our Big Write we wrote a narrative poem.
In P.E we have been focusing on fitness, including doing the beep test. The best score for the school was 12.8.
For Mathematics our topic is multiplication and division. We have been learning in groups.
Some things we are looking forward to this term are Cross Country, Football, Netball and Soccer.
Jade LoRicco
Rachel Downard
Leah Martin
Dan Cannon
Maegen Potter