Religious Education News

Catholic Education Week Mass
Next Wednesday we celebrate Catholic Education Week Mass with the students and staff form Sacred Heart and St. Mary’s. This year marks the 150th Anniversary of the Diocese of Ballarat and we will be recognising that during our Mass. Parents are most welcome to attend the Mass, although please be aware that there will be a lot of people present in the church and we may need to squash in.
Prayer Gathering
This week Deb’s Year 3 students will lead Prayer Gathering on the theme of choices and how we can make better choices for our planet and our people. The following week Elissa’s Year 3 students will lead us in Prayer Gathering for Mother’s day and the special women in our lives. All welcome.
Father Michael’s 50th Anniversary
On Friday May 24th we will be celebrating a special Mass with Father Michael to acknowledge his wonderful milestone of 50 years of dedicated service as a priest. We are blessed at St. Mary’s to have such a compassionate and supportive priest and we wish Father Michael a big congratulations.
Jayne Brumby
Religious Education Leader