Principal's Update

Dear Parents and Carers,
Last Thursday we commemorated Anzac Day, when we remember all the men and women who have served our country and sacrificed their lives in wars. I was very proud of our SRC students who represented our school at the community service at the Memorial Square, while the rest of the school participated in a service around our flag poles at the front of the school. Grade 4 Matt finished off the week with a beautiful ANZAC Day prayer gathering in our church.
Lord, we give thanks for the loving people in our lives, as they continue to make sacrifices for us.
We thank you for all the people who fought to protect and honour our country. Their sacrifices have enabled us to live in peace and have a future of freedom. May we never forget this or take it for granted.
As we remember the Spirit of Anzac, we pray for all those who have given to their country in the spirit of generosity for others. We remember and honour the fallen and those who returned back home to us. May this prayer be our personal thanks for the many sacrifices they have made.
Prep Enrolments for 2025
I would like to have enrolments for next year finalised by the middle of next term. I will be on Long Service Leave for the first 3 weeks of next term. Therefore, if you have any extended family or friends intending on enrolling their child next year, it would be greatly appreciated if you could pass this information on to them, so they can arrange for a meeting and a tour of the school. I request all existing families that have a child starting in Prep next year, submit their enrolment form as soon as possible.
School Hats
School hats are not required to be worn at this time of the year. I ask that all children take their hats home, to be put away ready to be brought back in September.
Kerryn / LDL Role/ Welcome Rose
Last week I sent an email out to families informing them that Kerryn Williams is on extended leave and will be away indefinitely. On behalf of the school community we welcome Rose Murphy, who will replace Kerryn in the LDL role until she is ready to return. Rose has had some experience in this field, but is very much learning more about the role and the needs of our students. Should you have any queries in this area, you can email Rose at
Please be understanding and patient in that Rose is new to the role and has a lot to learn and sort through in a short space of time.
Crossing Calvert St
It has been brought to my attention that some parents/carers are picking their children up at the Calvert St gate after school, and then not using the school crossing when walking across the road to their cars. It is really important that the crossing is utilised by everybody who is crossing the road during this busy time, regardless of whether the children are with an adult. As always the health and safety of our school community is our number one priority.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Michael Mahoney (Principal)