Library News

We are excited to announce that we have a very special new book in our library; Super Duck - which is a graphic novel/comic written by one of our very own Grade 4 students! This brilliant budding author has written, illustrated and self-published Super Duck, and it is even available to purchase on Amazon in Kindle format.  (Available here) - 

The writer, Benjamin Burton (pseudonym), has very kindly donated 3 copies to our library which are available for students to borrow. What an amazing talent!


Scholastic Loop Orders will be available from next week - and every person who orders from this edition, will receive a $5 credit to use on edition 4!



Students at St. Louis are obviously such avid readers.  Do you know that 1071 books have been read and entered onto the Premier’s Challenge website since the beginning of March?  What an amazing effort – we are so proud of you!  

Eight students have already completed the required amount of reading to complete the challenge!

All students in the school are enrolled so if you would like to encourage your child to participate they have until September to enter their books.  The class teachers have a copy of all of their class passwords so we hope you all join in the fun.



Could you please also ensure all the books borrowed before the holidays are returned as they are now overdue.


Thank you.


Jacqui Kavanagh and Kerri Hirst