Learning and Teaching

Friday 19 April 2024

Welcome back to Learning in Term 2, 2024.

Our school community has embraced the start to the new term and we have all hit the ground running. Our value for this term is Collaboration with the Gospel reference is : 

For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function


Our inquiry focus is History, Digital Technologies and the Intercultural capability. Our classes have all begun asking questions and preparing to explore the key ideas, skills and understandings outlined in the curriculum. Many incursions and excursions have been organised and booked helping our students to be able to make the necessary connections.


In English and Mathematics, our key focus is on explicit instruction. As a staff we continue to explore and implement evidence based practice and collect and analyse data to ensure educational outcomes are maximised for all. Our students have commenced working on their individual learning goals in Number, Reading and Writing which are evaluated and modified according to each child's learning needs.

In the last week of term you are all invited to our 'Celebration of Learning' event. This provides an opportunity for learning to be showcased to the community.


Michelle Barron