Year 9 Italian

Visit To Mary's Mount Primary School

Bridging Generations Through Italian Culture!

In 2024, we have a talented group of 30 enthused and dedicated Year 9 students continuing their journey of 'Language and Culture'  as they study Italian.

On 7 May, a select group of students from Year 9, Italian Unit 1, were invited to participate in a visit to Mary's Mount Primary School for their annual “Italian Day” celebration. It was a morning filled with language, music, dancing, smiles and of course….gelato!

Although it would have been a fantastic opportunity for all 30 students to attend, for this event a small group were required, and invited by Signora Castro, a teacher of Italian. The success of this year’s visit may open avenues to more opportunities for other students to attend similar events in the future.

Our students played a pivotal role in the festivities. The opening assembly commenced with Year 6 students conducting an interview in Italian, followed by the boys' assistance in entertaining the crowd alongside "Mr Accordion Man". They demonstrated the dance moves to the younger students, and post-assembly, graciously served authentic Italian gelato to each primary student.🍦


Our students' presence at this event wasn't just about having fun; it was also a great opportunity to represent our College and inspire younger students about the joys of learning languages. Congratulations to these students on being excellent ambassadors for Mazenod. Their attendance and participation exemplified the Mazza spirit of being positive role models within the community.


Zac O

Kohen A

Jean-Paul B

Thomas W


These students showed that language is about far more than just words—it’s about building connections, sharing cultures and creating lasting memories. Grazie mille to Zac, Kohen, Jean-Paul, Thomas and Mary's Mount Primary School for the opportunity!


Prof. Marina Raschella

Italian Teacher