CSPA Communication Project

Expressions of Interest
Mazenod College has been invited to participate in a research study being conducted in collaboration between The University of New England and Catholic School Parents Australia (CSPA). The study is titled:
School - Parent Communication: How to Build and Maintain It
The intention of the study is to identify exemplary practices of school-parent communication which will contribute new knowledge about effective approaches to building and maintaining communication between parents and schools. This project has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the University of New England.
Communication between parents and school is such a vital element in delivering a service that supports your son in the most conducive educational endeavour. As the Principal of Mazenod College, participation in this project provides us with a unique opportunity to contribute, to evaluate and to enlighten our systems and structures for communicating with you, our parents, and our partners, in the education of your son.
We are looking at securing a balanced representation from our parent body, from within our boarding community and our day student community and will extend the opportunity also to members of our staff. To this end, I am seeking expressions of interest from our day student parent community prior to Friday 17 May 2024.
If this is of interest to you or you are interested in securing more information about this project, please email Mrs Tamara Laurito, Executive Assistant at laurito.tamara@mazenod.wa.edu.au or by contacting her on (08) 9291 1500 prior to COB, Friday 17 May 2024. Following this time, she will be in contact with interested participants with further information.
Simon Harvey