From the Principal

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, Staff and Friends of Mazenod College,

“When your passion and purpose are greater than your fears and excuses, you will find a way.” (Author unknown).

In an effort to bring a brighter focus on our College values, Mr Hemley introduced the initiative of a College value apportioned as the theme for each of our College Assemblies. For our recent assembly this week, we focussed on our values of Courage and Passion

In my address to those gathered, I shared some of the examples I have enjoyed at the College in recent times that exemplified for me, the values of Courage and Passion;

  • Our College Tug-o-war last term where I don’t think I’ve seen any more House passion on display than at that event.
  • The House Cross country where courage is essential, none more so than to push oneself up Gladys Rd twice.
  • At our College ANZAC Day service, the playing of The Last Post and Reveille by Joel can only happen with great courage and passion. 
  • The Jazz Concert last weekend prior to the Mt Gambier tour and any musical performance for that matter, is a great confirmation that “Skills are cheap, passion is priceless”. 
  • The Combined Year 12 Q&A session with the Year 12 students from St Brigid’s College perhaps pushed the panel of students beyond their comfort zones and this takes courage.

I was delighted to welcome Joshua De Vaney (Class of 1994) back to the College on Tuesday. Josh is featured in our most recent edition of The Mazenodian and is known globally as the owner of the world’s largest, best and rarest collection of Michael Jordan toys. With his collection now worth thousands of dollars, Josh spoke passionately about his dreams, goals and his determination and courage to achieve them. What I found most profound about Josh’s message, was his quote that;

“Passion should ignite you and your passion should be felt by others”

We look forward to further interactions with Josh and having him share his insights with many more students, and we wish him well in achieving his lofty dreams.


I would like to conclude with an impassioned plea, as I did at the assembly, that our students and families add to our burgeoning “can drive” for our Young Vinnies Winter Appeal if they are able. This appeal is for non-perishable, still-in-date food cans that we can forward to The Shopfront for those less fortunate. We hope that our young men might join forces with their friends in their form and be passionate about giving to those who it need it most.

“I have no use for smouldering wicks in this society. I want you to burn, give heat and to give light” (St Eugene De Mazenod).

Best wishes to all of our Mothers and Mother-figures in our community and thank you for the compassion and unconditional love you give, in a motherly relationship that is impossible to replace. Our mothers are a most beautiful icon of God’s love and tenderness.


God bless.


Simon Harvey
