Learning & Teaching

Michela Vella and Josy Reeder

Parent Guide to Vision for Instruction 

At OLA we have used explicit instructions and evidence based practice education to achieve teaching and learning excellence for many years. We are loving that this is now a focus for all school in Victoria and we continue to learn and improve our practices.  


In February 2024, MACS changed the way reading, writing and mathematics are taught in its 300 primary and secondary schools in the Archdiocese of Melbourne. 


Vision for Instruction promotes explicit instruction, a way of teaching in which complex skills are introduced to students in small steps, supported by clear explanations and demonstrations of what students are expected to learn. Students then practise what they have learned and receive feedback from their teacher until the skill is mastered.


MACS is leading explicit instruction and evidence-based practice education in Victoria to achieve teaching and learning excellence. To find out what becoming a flourishing learner means for your child, and how you can help, read Parents Guide to Vision for Instruction and ask your child’s teacher if you have any questions.


MACS also regularly posts about Vision for Instruction in social media. To follow MACS, please click on the following links for Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. 


Please also find the Parents Guide attached.


Josy Reeder

Semester 2 Assessments

Throughout the year, teachers employ a range of strategies to track student progress, including checklists, observation notes, student work samples, and pre and post assessments. As we approach the Semester 2 assessment period, significant time is dedicated to evaluating students across key curriculum areas. The data collected during this time plays a major role in shaping the lessons in the classroom and the Semester 2 reports; providing a comprehensive picture of student growth and achievement.



World of Maths Incursion

On Monday the 5/6 year level had an incursion with World of Maths. There were multiple challenging tasks such as one called the Tower of Hanoi. You have to stack disks on top of one another but you’re not allowed to stack bigger disks on top of smaller ones. The strategy we used was trial and error. This was a fun way to do maths with hand on activities.  Harper Morris


On Monday we were introduced to Hayley who works for World of Maths. She explained that for one and a half hours we could walk around the hall doing different activities with challenging maths in each one. My favourite activity was the train activity where the train carriages were parked in the wrong station and you had to transport them to their respective stations. You had to move them using an engine with a magnet. The carriages couldn't go under the tunnel but the engine could so you had to think, “How can I get them around the tunnel?” When you solved this there was a harder task where only the carriages could go under the tunnel. Oliver Mathias   

Prep Fire Education 

Last Monday, our Prep students had an exciting visit from our local firefighters, who came to teach them about fire safety. The children learned essential safety tips, such as "Stop, Drop, and Roll," the importance of smoke alarms, and how to safely exit a building in case of an emergency. The firefighters also demonstrated their protective gear, helping the students understand that firefighters are there to help in times of danger. It was an engaging and informative session, ensuring our students are more aware of fire safety both at school and home.


The students were particularly excited to learn that the firefighters will return soon with their fire truck, giving them a chance to explore the vehicle up close and deepen their understanding of the firefighters' important role in our community.

Kingston Division Athletics 

On Friday 11 October, 21 students represented OLA at Division Athletics. It is such an achievement to reach this level, as students have to finish top 2 in our district (consisting of 10 schools). Our students have undertaken training at school with the assistance of Pierre (Bailey's Grandad), Dominique (Brigittte's mum), Rachel (Vienna's mum), Mr O'Connor and myself. Our students did a great job as there are approximately 60 schools represented at Division. 


We had Tyler F (high jump) and Ivan R (discus) progress to the Southern Metropolitan Region held at Casey Fields on Monday and we wish these boys the very best of luck. 

Mrs Thompson 

Talent Quest

This term we are going to have our OLA Talent Quest. This is an opportunity for students to show off their skills and talents. Students are invited to create a performance in the areas of dance/vocal, drama or instrumental; they may choose to sing, dance, perform a comedy act, magic trick and much more! We encourage interested students to start forming groups with friends in their year level or they can also perform by themselves.

We will begin with Classroom Heats. The top three acts from each class will go into the Level Heats. Finally, there will be three winners from each level selected to perform at the Whole School Talent Quest and at the OLA Fete.

Please refer to the following timeline:

  • Classroom Heats - Week 4
  • Level Heats - Week 6 (winners announced Friday afternoon)
  • OLA Whole School Talent Quest - Friday 22 November 9am
  • OLA Fete - Saturday 23 November

Parents are welcome to attend the Whole School Talent Quest on Friday 22 November 9am.


All acts need to have their song/jokes approved by a teacher. Students are asked to email or provide a hard copy of their song lyrics by the end of Week 3. 

All year levels are encouraged to join, and we look forward to sharing the many talents on display at OLA! 


Shelby Turner


On the 10th September, OLA was represented by three teams at the MACS State Finals STEM MAD Showcase. The students showcased their innovative projects, demonstrating creativity using Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. The challenge was to create a product, service or innovation that would make a difference to act for a better future. The teams each displayed their projects and prototypes and were interviewed by many roving judges and sponsors of the event. 


The students and I were buzzing with excitement when we were asked to be interviewed by LIVE FM radio. I was so proud of how each student spoke so confidently and passionately about their projects with energy and enthusiasm. And just as we were feeling like total winners, we were offered an amazing opportunity to be one of three schools to be interviewed by Channel 9 reporter Allan Raskall! It was such an honour to represent OLA at the showcase and to receive such media recognition and exposure for our great school. It was such a special opportunity and a lifetime memory for all involved.  

Watch the interview at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CA1rxPGO2w&t=92s


Congratulations to Alice, Aaliyah, Emma, Zarah, Jack and Lachlan for representing OLA at the State Finals Showcase. I am very proud of their initiative and dedication to work on their projects privately in addition to their school work, giving up lunch times to meet with me and their continued perseverance to make sure they met the criteria for the competition. Each of the team projects were unique and demonstrated innovative critical thinking. Two teams went on to receive sponsor awards and congratulations to those students. 


The STEM Sustainability Award by CERES went to Alice for “The Coral Cooler”, a sustainable machine to detect and cool down water temperatures to protect the coral in the Great Barrier Reef. 

The Most Innovative Assistance Device Award by AKORN Education went to Aaliyah, Emma & Zarah for “KEZA Perfume”, to assist young girls to regulate their feelings by using their product to feel calm and smell nice. 

With the awards, the sponsors also donated prizes including a day excursion to Ceres and a day incursion by AKORN Education.


I am immensely proud of all the students for what they have accomplished and thank them for participating in this years’ STEM MAD competition.  




Lachlan and Jack met Ryan Evans the Lego Master Finalist and keynote Speaker at the showcase.  








Anna Danson 

STEM & Grade 5/6 Teacher.


Grade 5 Leadership Opportunities

The beginning of Term 4 is an exciting time for our Grade 5 students as they begin to think about and prepare for the 2025 Grade 6 Leadership positions. The senior teachers have begun talking with their students about the many wonderful opportunities that await them. Please see the timeline below and keep an eye on Operoo for further information. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any queries. 



Friday 1 November


Teachers give out role descriptions and information regarding the leadership letters
Monday 18 NovemberLeadership letters due
Wednesday 27 November

School Captain speeches with Grades 4 & 5

All staff and Grade 5 students are invited to vote

Friday 13 DecemberIndividual leadership roles emailed to parents
Tuesday 17 December

2025 leaders announced at End of Year Assembly

(badges blessed and presented at the start of next year)

Steve Pertz