Grade 2

As Term 3 draws to a close, we’d like to acknowledge the amazing effort from all our students and their continued positivity towards their learning. It has been a fun-filled term, with lots of exciting whole school events. The students had a great time during Book Week and they enjoyed showcasing their hard work to parents, before our whole-school book showcase. The students also loved having their fathers and special people visit the school. The smiles on students’ faces were priceless. Thank you for all of your efforts and to all that were able to attend.
In English, we have been learning about narratives in the second half of this term. The students learned about the structure of narratives, their purpose as well as the features of narratives. They applied their learning towards creating their own narrative during Book Week, where the theme was Reading is Magic! After Book Week, students continued to explore narratives, with a deeper look at how a problem in a story builds up through the Pebble, Rock and Boulder method. They also explored hidden meanings in Dreamtime stories. Students applied this knowledge towards creating their own narratives, with a problem and hidden message. We are so proud of not only their attentiveness towards detail but of their hard work in applying the concepts learned towards their own writing.
In Mathematics, students participated in Olympics themed lessons during the middle of the term. Each grade created their own class mascots and went on to vote for their favourite class mascot. The data collected was used to create data displays. Students also explored chance language and probability by investigating the likelihood of particular athletes winning competitions. Towards the end of the unit, students explored the school surroundings and plotted them on a map of the school, going on to create their own Oatlympics style events and mapping where each event would take place on the school grounds. During Book Week, students worked on number and place value, by ordering numbers found on book barcodes, voted and graphed their favourite authors and created menus (with pricing) for Father’s Day. Students explored adding and subtracting amounts of money, using the menus they created. Over the past few weeks, students have been working on identifying dates and months on calendars, by recording footy fixtures on calendars, added and subtracted numbers, used directional language to give instructions and creating their own indigenous round jerseys using 2D shapes and symmetry.
During our Integrated sessions we have been exploring light and sound. Students have applied their learning about light and sound towards creating shadow puppet shows, using narratives they wrote in writing sessions. Throughout the term we have also implemented a number of Cyber Safety and Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships activities. We are so proud of the Grade 2 students continuing the Term with such joy and an eagerness to learn.
Warm regards,
The Grade 2 Team