
What a term it's been in Science! We've had such a blast learning all new concepts.
Check out what we have been focusing on:
This term our Preps have been learning about 'light and sound' and how light and sound is made, as well as where light and sound is found in our every day lives.
We also connected our learning to 'biology' where we learned about animals and how they can emit light in their environments, their life cycles and why certain animals are important for our environment e.g bees are pollinators.
GRADE 1s and 2s
We had so much fun in Science this term! We focused a lot of our learning on 'light and sound'
We learned the following key words about LIGHT: transparent, translucent, opaque, shiny, flashlight, experiment, observe, materials, shadows.
We learned the following key words about SOUND: vibration, sound waves, noise, quiet, loud, low, high, pitch, objects, hear, listen, instruments.
GRADE 3s and 4s
Our Grade 3s and 4s this term have learned about the following forces: push, pull, gravity, friction, thrust, drag, push, spring, magnetic force.
Students explored these forces through different experiments. They connected their learning using the Scientific Method, where they created a 'hypothesis', tested their predictions and then made a conclusion about the experiment that had completed.
We also became biologists, where we explored different habitats, microhabitats and ecosystems. We tested the water quality of our local OPS wetlands and also experimented with PH and moisture levels of the soil in our school gardens. We had so much fun!
GRADE 5s and 6s
Our seniors have been learning about all things 'electricity' and 'circuits'.
Students have learned how to plan, create and test different circuits. They have challenged themselves to test simple, series and parallel circuits.
We then used our circuit knowledge within our 'design' unit, where we designed a solution for an endangered animal. We researched endangered native Australian animals and their threats. Students prototyped ideas that would help to solve problems for their animal. They then used their circuit knowledge to add electrical circuits to their design.
We look forward to learning about Earth and Space Sciences in Term 4!
Have a wonderful holiday!
The Science Team