Curriculum News
National Science Week 2024 @ St Brigid's
National Science Week took place in August, with a theme of Species Survival - More Than Just Sustainability. During the course of the week all levels participated in different activities to highlight the importance of science and innovation in ensuring the survival and thriving of different species in an ever-changing world.
Foundation - In Foundation we played I Spy as we explored the concept of camouflage and the importance it plays in the survival of different species. Students then created their own art work where they had to complete the pattern to camouflage a chameleon.
1/2 Level - The Year 1/2s went on a leaf hunt. The students had to find a range of different types of leaves such as round, long, nibbled and dead leaves. They discussed the similar features between the collected leaves and also identified their differences. They further extended knowledge learned in Term 2, where we looked at living things and their features.
3/4 Level - The Year 3/4 level investigated endangered species in Australia and chose to create a postcard to highlight these different species. After researching, the students had to use a variety of adverbs and adjectives to describe their chosen animal. The students also came up with a simple and catchy motto to write on their postcard.
5/6 Level - The Year 5/6 classes read the award winning book Bowerbirds Blues by Aura Parker. They researched the Bowerbird’s unique behaviours and discovered the Spotted Bowerbird is endangered in Victoria.