From the Principal

As we head into the last couple of weeks of Term 3, our Year 12s are watching the countdown ‘clock’ in the PAC, as they approach their upcoming practise exam week. Our middle school students are nearing the mid-point of their Semester subjects and enjoying their Northcote Model subjects.
Our Year 10s have returned from their NT Trip and had a fantastic time, as did our ski camp group that recently returned from Mt Buller, even though the snow cover was very scarce. This week, our Music students who are traveling to China had their final concert performance before travelling overseas to perform for 3 different Chinese schools planned throughout the trip. Our Classics Trip students are also preparing for their travels.
This week, our Library has moved across to its new location in our new building, The HUB. A big thanks to our families over the last 5 years that have been donating to our Library fund, this has allowed us to purchase additional materials, furniture and update the library collection. Our Librarians cannot wait to welcome staff and students into the spaces. You may have seen Kat Theophanous sharing some ‘sneak peek’ photos of the building on her socials. Kat has shared a congratulations and taken some great pictures that capture some of the design components of the building. With many photos highlighting us looking at the amazing views we also cannot wait to show our families and local community the new spaces. We are just waiting for final sign off to allow students to begin using the library area and then will start to move across our science equipment and begin using the teaching spaces on the upper levels.
Tomorrow is the first day of our Semester 2 Parent Student Teacher Conferences and I hope that you can make the most of the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress this year.
Thank you also to those that have helped publicise Our Friends of Northcote Comedy Fest, while walking along High Street I was pleased to see flyers on display in shop windows. I hope that you will be there to enjoy the company of other NHS parents, while having a great laugh. Another event we are very much looking forward to is the Senior Art Show and Design Shows that celebrate the fabulous creative work that our senior students have completed along with their portfolios. I hope to see you at one of these events as our end of Term draws closer.
Chris Jones