Community Notices

Play cricket with the Darebin Falcons
We're excited to invite girls and gender diverse people of all ages to be a part of our growing cricket community at the Darebin Falcons! Whether you're new to the game or a seasoned player, we've got something for everyone. Here’s what’s happening at the club:
Come and Try Day - 7 September
Curious about cricket? Join us for our Come and Try Day on Saturday, 7 September at Capp Reserve, starting at 10am. It’s a great opportunity to meet the team, have some fun, and see if cricket is the sport for you!
Season Start Dates Mark your calendars! The season kicks off on:
- Under 14s and 10s: Monday, 14 October
- Under 16s and 12s: Wednesday, 16 October
Pre-season details will be released soon, so stay tuned!
Community Talks Sex at Jika Jika Centre
Community Talks Sex is a series of panels designed to support parents in guiding their young people through the complex and often challenging topics of sex, sexuality, and relationships. We are a joint Darebin Neighbourhood House Network project, funded by the North East Public Health Unit (NEPHU).
When is it?
The program will be hosted at the Reservoir Neighbourhood House:
7pm, Monday September 9th
How do the panels work?
The panels last for 1 hour and are aimed at parents of school aged children to help to socialise them to the concepts around sex and sexuality to help them support their young people's sex education.
The panels are aimed at parents of children of all ages.
Questions are facilitated by our experienced facilitator via text message or in person if people feel comfortable.
We do not film the events to maintain privacy and community safety.
For more info and to register for a free ticket check out this flyer
Come and try Baseball at Merri Park, 8 September
Play cricket this summer with Edinburgh CC
Shape the future of Reservoir Leisure Centre
Meet up for Young People with Type 1 Diabetes
A personal Autism journey presentation
On Saturday 14 September renowned Autistic Self Advocate Daniel Giles O.A.M. and his father Daryl Giles will be presenting “From Diagnosis to O.A.M. – A Personal Autism Journey Plus a Siblings Perspective” in Melbourne. The session will run from 1-4pm, including question time.
SPECIAL GUEST PRESENTER: Leash Purcell^ - Leash is Daniel’s sister who presents the valuable siblings insight into how they see their sibling who is Autistic from the aspects of home life, attending the same school and the challenges that presents for a sibling as well as from her perspective as a qualified educator (Masters Degree) who sees both the educators and the families understanding of the journey.
Our presentation is highly regarded and we believe, will be of special interest to:
- Educators working with Autistic students
- Health Care Professionals
- Carers of Autistic people
- Parents of Autistic children
- Family Members
More info in flyer below. Purchase tickets here.
Victorian Institute of Sport Open Day 2 October
This free event will provide members of the Victorian public the opportunity to meet world class athletes, learn from high performance sport experts, tour through and experience the inner workings of a high performance sport facility.
The event welcomed more than 1000 Victorians of all ages in 2023 and provided a fun, safe and educated experience they will never forget. This year’s event promises to be even bigger with over 15 sporting organisations showcasing their sports and expertise.
For more information see the flyer below.
Occupational Therapy as a career
The Austin Health Occupational Therapy Department hosts an annual information evening to promote Occupational Therapy as a Career – known as OT as a Career Night.
Again, this year we are hosting the evening both in person at the Austin Hospital (Austin Doyle Lecture Theatre, Level 4, Towers Austin Hospital ) and also virtually via Microsoft Teams for those who cannot attend the event in person.
We invite anyone interested to please join us either in person or virtually on Thursday 19 September 2024 at 5pm for registration. Presentation starts from 5:30pm.
Please see the flyer attached for full details. For those who will be joining us virtually a link to join the online event will be emailed out to those individuals closer to the date.
Opportunity to perform at Merri Creek Fete
Merri Creek Primary School are holding their fete on Saturday 26 October. There are spots available on the stage for local musicians to perform. It is not a paid gig, however there is a stage and tech and there often a big crowd, so could be a great opportunity for exposure for up and coming musicians.
Contact Katie James for more info.
Asia street food festival by the Yarra
This vibrant festival will take place from October 24 - 27 at the Alexandra Gardens from 11am to 11pm, promising an extraordinary cultural experience. The festival is a celebration of Asian traditional cuisine, arts, and cultures, offering an enriching and immersive environment for experiential learning.
Diversity and inclusivity are core values of this event. The festival offers an exceptional platform for students to explore various thought-provoking concepts, including diversity, inclusivity, languages, cultures, sustainability, event management, cultural performing arts, traditional games, and engaging activities.
More information in the flyer below.