Message from Bev and Kim

Harvey and Clancy


What an action packed term 3 – filled with highlights in learning and community – see images in BBPS Life for our most recent big events: Read what our kids have to say...


Production – David, 5W “When I first went on stage I had butterflies in my stomach, but when I got on everything flowed and it was such an exciting experience”


Athletics – James, 5W “I enjoyed the carnival because sport is my favourite thing to do and I enjoyed trying different events. It felt good to win the 100m and then represent the school at Districts.”


Kaboom Sports – Billy, 1W “We got to play lots of activities and it was so much fun”

Kaboom Instructor - Your year 2's led the activities with military precision. We have never seen such straight lines.


Swimming – Ray, 2S “I learnt about water safety, if someone needs help in the deep water use a towel to help pull them to the side.”


Father’s Day – Olivia, 2P & Leo, Prep “It was so good having dad come and drop me off. I liked showing him what we have been working on. In Prep, we made blast off rockets.”


Book Week – Matilda, 6C “I felt so excited to host the parade, and a little nervous. There were lots of great costumes, and everyone had fun.”


Dreamers netball and football – Amelia & Matilda, gr 4 “These were fun events, we loved to cheer on our mums and dads. It was awesome that we won both”

Billy- My dad kicked the winning goal!


Merit Awards – Taleen, 6T “Introducing merit awards has been a great way to show appreciation and build school pride.”


Market Day – Ted, 1W “It was fun to buy stuff with tickets, I did water balloons, Nintendo and a soccer shooting game”


Camp - Jude ' Camp was great.' And the bushwalk, "My legs were sore, tired and I had a headache before we left camp but I pressed on. Then we didn't know how far it was and the instructor said. "... we won't know until we get there."  We didn't find out, it remained anonymous.'


School Saving Bonus - $400.00

Please read the flyer below regarding the "School Saving Bonus". Parents who are eligible need to

  • Login to Compass 
  • On the top right hand side click on the cog wheel
  • Open the "Update my Details" screen
    • If incorrect please update and save

School Council met this week, see below for highlights discussed:

  • 2024 Attitudes to School Survey data was shared and positive endorsement of our students in areas of engagement, agency, high expectations and teacher-student relationships was celebrated. Stay tuned for a look at our student completed data, to be shared next term through our Wellbeing section of the newsletter. 
  • Buildings and Grounds: building works on our main building are in process, as may have been noticed by erected scaffolding. Works will continue through the holiday break to repair the roof and refurbish impacted classrooms. 
  • Education Policy: Digital Learning Policy ratified and ICT User Agreements shared. Thanks to community for feedback provided. The updated policy will be available on our website as of next term. 
  • Marketing and Publicity: Our School Council members are being listed as Parent Ambassadors to support enrolment processes. We thank them for being such wonderful advocates of our school. Follow us on Instagram if you haven’t already

Well done to all academic and wellbeing merit certificate recipients this week – an honour to be selected by your teachers.

Grade 3/4 Hub Camp at Camp Jungai was a huge success. This year, for the first time, we had some parent volunteers come along for the fun. A big thank you to Anna Remfry and the teaching team for their organisation and commitment during the camp, and a special thank you to our parents for their enthusiasm to attend. 

Mrs Remfry was at the Brighton Wolves semi final to cheer them on
Mrs Remfry was at the Brighton Wolves semi final to cheer them on

Congratulations to our Seaside District Athletics team, who competed earlier this week, with outstanding results as Aggregate winners. Students finishing 1st/2nd in all events will now go on to represent the school at the Division Championships on Friday October 11th.


Results 1st Place:

9/10 Open 100m – James Swan

11 Girls – Discus & Shot Put – Bella Waters 

11 Girls – High Jump & Triple Jump – Milla Dalrymple

12/13 Girls – High Jump – Mimi Hearnden

12/13 Girls – 1500m – Emma Hackett

11 Girls – 100m – Multiclass – Lucy Wilson

12/13 Girls – Discus – Tilly Strong


Results 2nd Place:

12/13 Girls – Shot Put – Mimi Hearnden


Results 3rd Place:

11 Girls – Long Jump – Bailey Malone

12/13 Girls – 800m – Emma Hackett


We had a number of further excellent results by our senior students. Well done.

Thanks to Mr Ancrum for seeking an exemption for grade 4 qualifying students, unable to attend due to school camp. We have a number students through to Regionals next term, well done everyone!


2025 School Year

If your child will not be returning to BBPS next year, please inform the office via email ASAP. This will assist with planning for class structures and staffing for 2025.


Please familiarise yourself with our Class Placement Policy and notify the school prior to the start of term 4 should you have any placement requests. Requests must have an educational basis (academic, social and emotional needs). We will not always be able to accommodate class placement requests, but will endeavour to take into consideration where possible. Parents will be informed if their request cannot be met.


End of term tomorrow – Early dismissal 2:30pm.


Have a wonderful holiday break, we look forward to seeing our students return on Monday, October 7th for Term 4.