Assistant Principal News

What a fabulous term!


What a wonderful term of celebrations and achievements. This was aptly capped off by our Year 5 and 6 students this week, who presented their Gala Performances by Dancesport Confidence for their family and friends. They proudly demonstrated their resilience and growing confidence to learn new skills and persevere when challenged. The feedback from the night has been incredibly positive. Thank you to the Year 5 and 6 teachers for their continued support of our children, by providing programs which blend interpersonal capacity building for children, with new and challenging experiences.


Earlier this week I was privileged to attend the Year 3 overnight camp to Golden Valleys Adventure Camp in Flinders. We hung and swung, climbed, balanced, aimed bows and arrows, hiked, sang, ate, roasted marshmallows and… fitted in a little sleep too! A great time was enjoyed by all the students. Our sincere thanks go to the staff who gave up their own family time to attend to the needs of your children. A very big thank you goes to Mrs Apostolopoulos, Ms Burman, Mr Crebbin, Jen and Paul.


Other exciting achievements from CEPS over Term 3, that we are grateful for:

  • Netball clinics for Y4&5
  • Dancesport Confidence Y5&6
  • School Disco arranged by the Parents Committee
  • Y5 Log Cabin Camp – Creswick
  • PMP in Y1 and F
  • National Friendship Day
  • Brickworx incursion Y4
  • Bullying No Way initiative
  • Year 4 Phillip Island Camp
  • Book Fair and Character Parade
  • Kingston Library Visit
  • Father’s Day Stall
  • Health Education Y5&6
  • Trivia Night arranged by the Parents Committee
  • Melbourne Zoo excursion Y1
  • St John’s First Aid training for all students F-6
  • Italian Day
  • Moorabbin Air Museum excursion Y2
  • Y3 Golden Valleys Adventure Camp
  • Junior School Council food drive
  • Footy Day
  • Many Special Food Days arranged by the Parents Committee


Emergencies and parental duty of care 

In case of an emergency, it is important that the office has an up-to-date list of emergency contact numbers for each student. Please ensure you update your phone numbers, and any other details as needed. Ensure your emergency contact is aware you have nominated them and lives close to the school. Sick bay is only a holding space for children and parents are expected to organise for their sick child to be picked up shortly after being notified.



Our school values being Courteous, Responsible, Co-operative and Respectful. We do not tolerate bullying. Instances of reported bullying are followed up according to our school processes. Your help in modelling these expectations is most valuable and appreciated. Please speak to your child and remind them to treat others as they expect to be treated. Please also encourage them to report any issues of ongoing bullying to teachers promptly. 

For more resources, please visit Bullying No Way:


End of year gifts 

As the end of the year approaches, we know some of you may be thinking about purchasing a gift to say thank you to the staff. Whilst not expected, this is much appreciated. The Department of Education has very strict guidelines around gifts teachers can and cannot take. These are outlined in our Code of Conduct. To ensure our staff can accept the gift please make sure:

  • Gifts are valued at $50 or less (per child).
  • The teacher must declare gifts over $50 and provide a list of students from whom the gift was given. 
  • No cash is given.
  • No gift cards that can be redeemed for cash are given (e.g. Eftpos or Visa). 

Thank you for understanding.


I hope everyone enjoys a fun and safe holiday break, ready to greet Term 4 on Monday 7th October.

Daylight Saving Time begins at 2am on the first Sunday in October when clocks are put forward one hour.









