Specialist News

STEM in Year 1 & 2
Year 1: Students learned about daily and seasonal changes in our weather and how they affect everyday life. cxplored weather symbols, interpret Indigenous weather symbols, & read simple weather maps. Learned about ‘temperature’, and different thermometers, made their own tool for recording temperature and used it to physically act out possible weather scenarios. Classified the wind into categories based on its strength from calm to violent storms and constructed simple ‘wind vines’ to check wind directions.
Year 2: Students learned that water is essential for life and a very precious resource found on Earth. Explored and shared experiences of water use at school and at home and explained that the ‘Water Cycle’ is a complex system which includes many different processes. Demonstrated what happens to rain falling on different surfaces, shared their understanding of sources of water, how it is collected, purified, filtered, and disinfected so it is safe to drink, and transported through underground pipes to homes, schools, and businesses.
3H have been working on a SPECIAL choir performance and giving up their own times to practice to represent Westgrove at the Melbourne Italian Festa.
They are now finalists and will be competing on Sunday October 6th at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne. Entry to the Festa is free and we invite you all to come along if you are free and support our students.
Thank you Mrs Masiero and well done 3H!