From the Principal

Welcome back to school after what we hope was a recharging break for our students.
It was wonderful to see so many smiles as students returned to school and with the new playground now installed, it has already proven to be a winner with the students.
Even though the weather is still cool, the number of sunny days will be increasing so it’s that time of the year to wear hats every day.
Students without a hat will be instructed to play in the allocated shaded areas. Students are also reminded to wear a hat (and sunscreen) by their teachers before leaving the classroom and once in the yard, they are not allowed to re-enter the building.
A sunsmart school hat is available in the following styles:
- broad brimmed hats – with a brim of at least 7.5 cm
- bucket or ‘surfie-style hats' – with a deep crown and brim of at least 6 cm
- legionnaire hats with a flap that covers the neck. The side flap and front peak should meet to protect the side of the face.
Appropriate hats are available through PSW located on North Road Ormond. PLEASE remember to label hats with the child’s name so they can be returned if temporarily lost.
Determining class lists for the following year is quite a lengthy and considered process. The process takes in the social, emotional and educational needs of the students and ensures that classes are balanced as best as possible across the year level. Last year we introduced a google form so parents and students can speak together and submit preferences, and the process was so successful it will now be our normal process.
A compass post outlining the process will be posted this week. We will ask you to engage in a conversation with your child about their peers - those they learn well with and who contribute to their sense of belonging in their classroom community.
We will be providing you with the link to a Google Form in which you will be asked to list 3-5 children who your child feels will support their learning. These names are not ranked in any order. It's important that parents endorse their child's choices after discussing peer selections.
The Google Form must be completed by Friday 25 October 2024.
For further information, our Class Placement Policy can be found on our website.
WORKING BEE – Saturday 19 October (10:30am to 1:30pm)
Bring the kids, bring your partners, bring everyone to our working bee on Saturday October 19. Let’s all dive into the garden beds and rake leaves, pull weeds, trim trees, sweep paths and get our school back into tip-top shape.
This will also be an opportunity to showcase our new playground and our fabulous Fundraising and Social Committee will supply some snacks for our hungry helpers.
Even if you only have one hour to spare, we’re hoping that ‘many hands make light work.’ So, let’s take action together and show our pride and love for our school.
Pop the date in the calendar, Saturday 19 October 😊
BYOD – Bring Your Own Device (we’re moving away from ipads)
Last year we asked Year 2 parents to hold off purchasing an iPad as part of the school’s ‘Bring Your Own Device’ program because the school wanted to investigate alternative devices and how devices would be used in the coming years.
This year, teachers and students explored laptops, Chromebooks and various software applications while our technician investigated device monitoring systems. Our Technology Committee also reviewed the new Victorian Curriculum noting the changed expectations for developing technology proficiencies.
As a result of our investigations, we are now moving away from iPads and our students will be using Chromebooks.
We formally invite all parents of our current year 2 and 3 students to attend an information evening to learn more about the Chromebook, how it will be used, monitored and where to purchase it from.
Please lock in the date Tuesday 22 October 6:30 – 7:30pm as we hope to see at least one parent or carer from every year 2 and 3 student attending.
Our Curriculum Day will be held on Monday 4 November (the day before the Melbourne Cup).
The curriculum day is a ‘pupil free day’ so there will not be any school attendance.
The teachers will be working together to moderate judgements against the achievement standards in readiness for end of year reporting. When determining the achievement standard, teachers use a range of information sets, including, but not limited to: participation in lessons, submitted student work and analysis of a range of assessments.
Theircare will be offering their service for students who need supervision on this day.
As shared with you previously, parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school in 2025 will receive the one-off School Saving Bonus $400 support.
In the coming months, the Department of Education will send you 2 email communications for each of your children enrolled in Victorian government schools.
By Friday 18 October 2024, please ensure that your child’s 2025 enrolment is completed and that your contact information is up to date.
The 2 emails from the Department of Education will:
1. Confirm your email address between mid-October and late-November.
2. Provide you with your unique $400 School Saving Bonus code by the end of November.
If you do not receive a confirmation email from the department by late-November, please check your spam or junk folders and contact the school if needed.
You can read more about the School Saving Bonus on the Department of Education website, with key information now available in 14 different languages.
Chellee Plumb