Prep Learning Reflection
The first two weeks of Term 4 have been a wonderful return to learning for our students.
We hope you've managed to stay safe and dry with the rain we've had!
We've begun our Author Study for our Literacy Block and the students' have loved exploring the colourful imaginative world of Eric Carle!
In Writing, we've been extremely impressed with how the students engaged with writing in the style of Eric Carle. Keep an eye out in the corridors to see their amazing work!
We've continued on with our SoundsWrite program and are currently working through Unit 9 in class!
In Numeracy we're working on using bundling sticks to create 2 digit numbers and linking this with 2-digit numerals. We've also been busy with activities that work with position (above, below, next to, etc.) and the student have loved practising their Day of the Week.
As mentioned in the Term Reflection Newsletter, our Mathletics subscription has ended. Our wonderful Numeracy Leader Mr. Allardice has already found and enquired with an alternate program that the students are going to trial in class. Once they're set up and ready to go, we'll be sure the pass on the students login details for those student who love to do extra Numeracy practise at home!
We'll continue to embed the use of iPads to practise our Reading, Writing and Numeracy skills, develop our familiarity with technology and hone our typing and navigating skills.
For Unit of Work, we've begun exploring some picture books and non-fiction text that relate to our 'Watch Me Build It' theme. There have been some great discussion and questions popping up during these stories and it's great to see the students' curiosities starting to spike!