SSG Bookings

Endeavour Hills Specialist School will be holding Student Support Group (SSG) meetings in Week 3 of Term 4, from Monday 21st to Friday 25th October.
You are now able to book a 30 minute timeslot with your child’s classroom teacher through Compass.
Your child is important to us and because they are important we prefer to hold SSG Meetings face to face here at school. However, we understand the challenges of home life so if you require a phone or video conference meeting, please book an appointment and make the request by messaging your child's teacher using Compass.
Our Endeavour Hills Specialist School SSG Conferences are an opportunity for our families to meet together with teachers. In these meeting we will discuss your child's adjustments at school as per their Individual Education Plan (IEP). Term Four SSG's are an opportunity to discuss future adjustments and considerations for 2025.
If your child's class has more than one teacher your booking may be with either teacher depending on their work days.
The Endeavour Hills Specialist School Allied Health team and specialist teaching team will be booking themselves into student SSG meetings. If you would like to invite a specific member of our Allied Health team or specialist teaching team to the meeting please message your child's classroom teacher through Compass and they will do their best to support this.
We look forward to seeing you all for SSG meetings, to talk about all of your child's wonderful achievements during Semester Two.
Please click on the relevant How To Guide below for instructions on how to book an SSG meeting.