Year 9/10

Ms Hayes and Ms Hassan

Year 9

As we wrap up another exciting term, we want to take a moment to celebrate the incredible experiences our Year 9 students have had over the past few months. It's been nothing short of thrilling as our students delved into various excursions and immersive learning opportunities.


From exploring the great outdoors in Outdoor Education to soaking in the vibrant culture of Chinatown, and navigating the bustling streets on their City Experience, our Year 9s have truly made the most of every moment. These excursions have not only enriched their academic knowledge but also fostered invaluable personal growth and development.

We are immensely proud of their enthusiasm and engagement throughout these experiences, and we thank you, parents and guardians, for your continued support in making these opportunities possible.


As we look forward to the upcoming term, we anticipate even more enriching activities and educational adventures for our Year 9 students.

Have a safe break and see you on the 15th of July 😊

Term 3:

  • Elective subject changes - 

In term 3 students can change their elective subjects in week 1. Students need to get the form from Ms Amy Barber (admin assistant) in the orange building, fill it out and submit that back to Amy by the end of the first week. No applications for subject change will be accepted after this time.

  • Course counselling – Next term year 9’s will participate in course counselling. Every student will meet with a leader and go through what their course will look like for 2025. It is a requirement that all students take part in this process in preparation for them entering the senior school. 

Key Dates for Term 3: 

Please note that more information will be provided prior to all these events taking place. 

  • Thursday 18th July – Term 2 celebration assembly 
  • Friday 19th July - Term 3 Course counselling assembly. 
  • Tuesday 23rd July – Year 9 into 10 – course information evening 
  • Friday 26th July – Year 9 REACH Foundation workshops 
  • Tuesday 30th July – Course counselling A- H
  • Thursday 1st August – Course counselling I - O 
  • Tuesday 6th August – Outdoor ed excursion – Emerald day hike
  • Monday 12th August – Friday 16th August – Year 9 Mock Interviews. 
  • Wednesday 21st August – Outdoor education excursion – Rock climbing
  • Monday 26th August – City Experience Part 2 – 9A-H


GIF project:

As part of the students year 9 GIF project, the students of year 9A and year 9D decided that as part of “Giving It Forward”, they would make connections with the residents of the retirement village at Hunters Green, a short walk form the school.   The motivation for this came from the ABC program, “Old Peoples Home For Teenagers”, where they saw the impact these connections can have on not only the residents of the retirement home, but also on themselves.   The students were touched by the emotional impact these connections have on the elderly.


The students response to this project and interactions with the residents were extremely positive. In groups students engaged with the residents learning about their lives, their wisdom and skills that went far beyond the perceived concept the students had. 

This experience provided the students with the essence of what Give It Forward means, in that by putting themselves out there and helping others, they gained the emotional resilience that “Giving It Forward” can provide.  


So successful was the event, that the retirement village has now asked for this activity to be a regular event, In response to this we have now booked another Year 9 class in to visit the facility in term 3.


Overall, the event was engaging, highly positive and provided the students with connections that they never imagined they might make.


Outstanding students:

In our last newsletter we celebrated our students that were successful in securing a scholarship with Magic moments. 


This round we want to celebrate a student who has worked hard and has been recognised for his talents and efforts in Rugby. 


We are so proud to announce that Auron Katopau has been selected for the State Under 15’s NRL team to represent Vicotria in the national championships! As a part of the team, he will be developing his skills at an elite level. This is an incredible accomplishment. Go Auron!


On May 30th, the Year 9 Mandarin class embarked on an excursion to Chinatown. Our first destination was the Chinese Museum, where students explored the 'Finding Gold' exhibition, gaining valuable insights into the lives of Chinese people on the goldfields during the 1850s. In the 'Dragon Gallery,' we learned about the significant symbols of the Chinese dragon and the history of dragon parades in Australia. The 'Han Dynasty' section showcased fascinating inventions from Ancient China. Additionally, the 'One Million Stories' exhibition provided a unique perspective on Chinese-Australian history, covering 200 years up to the present day. After the museum tour, we enjoyed a delightful lunch at a Chinese restaurant. To conclude our excursion, we strolled through the renowned Little Bourke Street.”



Big Congratulations to Urooj in Year 10! 


Urooj participated in the CLTAV & Tasmania 2024 Chinese Bridge - Chinese Proficiency Competition on May 15, which includes a written test, Mandarin speech, and a Chinese cultural performance. Competing against 24 contestants from 15 different schools, primarily private institutions, Urooj did an outstanding job and won the Medallion of Encouragement! 


This was our school's first time participating in this prestigious competition, and Urooj's hard work and dedication over the past three weeks have truly brought honour to our school. We're incredibly proud of her achievement and performance.

Well done, Urooj! Keep shining and making us proud! 



Year 10

It has been an incredibly busy term. Students have completed their mid-term exams and started to prepare for Course counselling in Term 3 with an assembly to introduce the process leading up to course counselling in Week 4 Term 3. 

Excursions and Activities

Year 10 students have participated in a range of excursions throughout Term 2 such as:

  • Vietnam War excursion- 17/4
  • Rights and Freedoms Museum excursion- 17/4
  • Outdoor Ed orienteering 29/4
  • Shine of Remembrance – 20/5
  • SPP – Ice Skating – 9/5
  • Outdoor Ed sustainability tour- 10/5
  • Work experience 13/5 – 17/5
  • Shine of Remembrance – 20/5
  • CSI Crime Walk and Police Museum 21/5
  • General Hums Queen Vic Market- 30/5
  • Business Yakult Excursion – 4/6
  • SECASA workshops around respectful relationships, 

Athletics day

On Thursday 13/6, the school Athletics Day was held at Casey Fields. Year 10 students participated in the athletic events and also dressed up in their house colours creating an environment of healthy competition and everyone had a fun filled day. Some of our Year 10 students also performed musical numbers to entertain students and staff. 

Celebration Assembly

On Tuesday 25/6, we had our Year 10 Celebration assembly. We celebrated students who had 100% attendance- a great effort! Students who have never been late this year – incredible! And students who achieved the highest House RGAR points and GPA. We also celebrated students who had improved the most in attendance and GPA. We also celebrated those students who participated in the MUNA competition – a wonderful effort! 


Attendance remains a focus and it is extremely pleasing to see the ongoing high attendance across the cohort –Year 10 students have had the best attendance across all year levels every month! An outstanding effort! 


Teresa Hayes -Year 10 Leader 
Laura Sculley – Year 10 Assistant Leader
Sienna Armstrong - Year 10 Assistant Leader